부시 신발 게임 ㅎㅎ
http://play.sockandawe.com/ 3번만에 퍼펙트 15점 했네요...ㅎㅎㅎ 15번 부시가 머리 내미는거 같은데..실수를 안했으니... 시간 나시면 한번씩 하시길 ㅎ
- etc./Free-Board
- · 2008. 12. 18.
http://play.sockandawe.com/ 3번만에 퍼펙트 15점 했네요...ㅎㅎㅎ 15번 부시가 머리 내미는거 같은데..실수를 안했으니... 시간 나시면 한번씩 하시길 ㅎ
Rafael Furcal has finally made up his mind. He's going back to Hollywood. Furcal, the top free-agent shortstop on the open market this year, has decided to sign with the Dodgers, major-league sources say. Furcal had been debating for the last two days between the Dodgers and the Braves. Terms of the deal were not yet available. On Tuesday, it appeared that Furcal had all but decided to go back t..
The Diamondbacks have hired away Class AAA Albuquerque manager Lorenzo Bundy to be the team's first base coach, Bundy confirmed. Bundy before managing Class AAA Las Vegas for the past two seasons spent four seasons in the Diamondbacks system, and he had a stint as a major league bench coach in Arizona. 다저스가 트리플A팀의 감독이었던 로렌조 번디(Lorenzo Bundy)를 애리조나에게 빼았겼습니다..... 지난 2년동안 라스버거스 51s의 감독이었다고 하네요. 일단 ..
내일이면 퍼칼이 어디로 가는지 알거 같은데(애틀란타로 거의 정해지는 분위기) 다저스가 퍼칼을 못잡으면 올랜도 카브레라에 관심을 가질거 같다는 루머가 오늘 LAT에 나왔군요. 카브레라 에이전트가 구라친건 아닌거 같고... 카브레라 영입하느니 3년 퍼칼 보장하고 영입하는게 100배 낫다고 보는데... 아님..렌테리아를 2년 영입하는게 날텐데(어차피 샌프 갔음)... 이 콜레티 이넘은 최악의 결정을 할런가-.-; 콜레티가 좋아하는 노장 30중반의 유격수 성적은 평범...그냥 없는것보다 있는게 낫다정도라고 보는 선수급이라고 생각하기에.-.-;..팀에 큰 도움 될 넘은 아니죠; 문제는 이넘 영입하면 내년 다저스 1라운드 16번을 화삭에 줘야 한다는거입니다. 지금 팜 상황도 안좋고 구단주가 드랩이나 해외 스카우팅에..
Hold the phone: Furcal still talking to Dodgers By Tony Jackson on December 16, 2008 4:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | ShareThis Ned Colletti just informed me that ``we have had many conversations today on the subject of Rafael Furcal'' and that ``I can't tell you if it's dead or not. I can only tell you that his people continue to engage me in conversation as if it's not, and I have been ass..
Source: Furcal to sign with Braves by Ken Rosenthal The Braves are on the verge of a major offseason upset. Rafael Furcal is coming home.In a stunning turnaround, the free-agent shortstop has chosen the Braves over the A's, according to a major-league source. A contract agreement is expected to be announced Tuesday, conditional on Furcal passing a physical. "They're in deep," Furcal's agent, Pau..