The A's had given Furcal a Saturday deadline to accept their offer, according to major-league sources. When Furcal rejected the deal, team officials informed Kinzer they would move on to other pursuits.
Kinzer said the "door is definitely open" to further discussions, but the A's will only revisit Furcal if he is willing to accept a lesser deal, sources said. (오클랜드는 퍼칼측에 토요일까지 그들의 오퍼를 받아들일지 데드라인을 주었고 퍼칼이 그 딜을 거절하면 오클랜드는 다른 선수 영입을 알아볼 것이다라고 말했다고 하네요.)
In the meantime, the A's plan to explore signing free-agent left-hander Randy Johnson and consider free-agent hitters such as Adam Dunn, Pat Burrell and Jason Giambi.
"They needed some freedom to make the moves they needed to — that's fine," Kinzer said.
Kinzer said he continues to talk with the Dodgers about re-signing Furcal, and plans to meet again with the A's and other interested clubs at the winter meetings in Las Vegas.
The A's granted Furcal's request for a four-year contract, but their offer represented a paycut from his $13 million average salary with the Dodgers.No other club is believed to have given Furcal a four-year proposal, but Kinzer said the length of contract is only one consideration.
"That isn't a deal-breaker," Kinzer said. "There are a lot of other things that go into it." (퍼칼 에이전트는 지속적으로 다저스와도 이야기를 나누고 있으며 윈터미팅에 오클랜드를 포함해서 다른 팀과도 접촉을 할 생각이며 오클랜드가 4년을 제시했지만 다저스에서 받았던 1300만불의 연봉과는 차이가 있었던지라 거절했다고 합니다.다른 팀들은 퍼칼에게 4년의 계약을 줄 생각을 갖고 있지 않지만 에이전트는 기한에 더 중점을 둘 뿐 그것이 꼭 4년만 된다는 것을 뜻하지 않는다고 밝혔네요.)
The Giants talked to Furcal before signing free-agent Edgar Renteria on Thursday to a two-year, $18.5 million contract.
It is not known which other clubs are pursuing Furcal, who underwent back surgery last season and missed more than four months before rejoining the Dodgers in late September.
Furcal, 31, could expand his market if he were willing to move to second base, a position he has played extensively in winter ball. The Mets and Yankees, for example, could pursue second basemen if they trade their current starters at that position. But even then, they might prefer free agent Orlando Hudson.
Furcal, a switch-hitting leadoff man, played in only 36 games for the Dodgers last season, batting .357 with a .439 on-base percentage and .573 slugging percentage.
He is a career .286 hitter with a .352 OBP.
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