레더맨 리그 MVP수상

사용자 삽입 이미지
For the second year in a row, Ogden Raptors fans were fortunate to get to watch the Pioneer League MVP at home.

Ogden shortstop Jake Lemmerman was named the league's most valuabl player this week following a vote of managers and league officials.

A year ago, Brian Cavazos-Galvez earned the honor.

Lemmerman has been the model of consistency in the field and at the plate, helping Ogden set franchise records for wins. With just a couple of games left in the regular season, Lemmerman and company are gearing up for the playoffs.
파이오니아 리그 MVP가 오늘 발표되었는데, 오그던의 유격수인 제이크 레머맨(Jake Lemmerman)이 선정되었습니다. 작년에 BCG가 선정되었는데, 오그던 랩터스 소속으로는 2년 연속 리그 MVP를 배출하게 되었네요.

레머맨은 리그 타율 2위(.364), 출루율 2위(.437), 장타율 3위(.612), OPS 4위(1.049), 최다안타 4위(94), 2루타 1위(24개), 홈런 6위(12개), 득점 1위(66득점), 타점 9위(45타점)의 공격 대부분의 카테고리에서 리그 상위권에 속해있고, 랩터스가 프렌차일즈 역사상 최다승으로 리그 우승을 차지하는데 공을 세웠기때문에 주는거 같습니다.

Ogden pitchers Shawn Tolleson and Red Patterson joined Lemmerman on the 2010 All-Star team. Both were also candidates for the league's pitcher of the year award, which ultimately went to Casper's Albert Campos.

Five other Raptors garnered honorable mention: catcher Michael Pericht, infielder Blake Dean, outfiielders Nick Akins and Leon Landry and pitcher Greg Wilborn.
그외에 포지션 별로 리그 올스타를 선정했는데, 총 8명의 랩터스 선수들이 노미네이트되었었다고 하네요. 올해의 리그 투수상에 션 톨슨(Shawn Tolleson)과 레드 페터슨(Red Patterson)이 뽑히긴 했었다고 합니다.

Pioneer League All-Star team

Catcher--Mike Blanke (Great Falls Voyagers).

First base--Cody Hawn (Helena Brewers).

Second base--Billy Hamilton (Billings Mustangs).

Third base--Andy Wilkins (Great Falls Voyagers).

Shortstop--Jake Lemmerman (Ogden Raptors).

Outfield--Adam Eaton (Missoula Osprey).

Outfield--Corey Dickerson (Casper Ghosts).

Outfield--Rafael Ortega (Casper Ghosts).

Designated hitter--Murray Watts (Idaho Falls Chukars).

Pitchers--Matt Miller (Helena Brewers); Shawn Tolleson (Ogden Raptors); Red Patterson (Ogden Raptors); Albert Campos (Casper Ghosts); Tanner Robles (Billings Mustangs).

Managers--Joe Ayrault (Helena Brewers): Chris Cron (Great Falls Voyagers).

Most Valuable Player--Jake Lemmerman (Ogden Raptors).

Pitcher of the Year--Albert Campos (Casper Ghosts).

Honorable mention, Billings--Tucker Barnhart, Delino DeShields; Casper--Brett Tanos, Tyler Gagnon, Tony Diaz; Great Falls--David Holmberg, Paul Burnside, Steven Upchurch, Addison Reed; Helena--Greg Hopkins, Shea Vucinich, Carlos George, Brian Garman; Missoula--Bobby Stone; Ogden--Michael Pericht, Blake Dean, Mick Akins, Leon Landry, Greg Wilborn; Orem-- Brandon Decker, Wes Hatton, Travis Witherspoon, Andrew Heid, Daniel Tillman, Tom Kotchman.

With Duke in 2010, Lemmerman was named the Atlantic Coast Conference's top defensive shortstop with a .987 fielding percentage.

The sixth highest draft pick in Duke baseball history, Lemmerman led the Blue Devils in eight offensive categories in 2010, including batting average, hits, home runs, RBIs, slugging percentage, walks, and on-base percentage.
레더맨은 확실히 뽑힐 당시만 하더라도 수비지향적인 선수였지만, 드레프트되기 직전 대학에서 아주 좋은 공격력을 보였나 봅니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
In a well-pitched and tight game to open the 2010 Midwest League playoffs, the Great Lakes Loons came up a run short and fell to the Fort Wayne TinCaps, 1-0, in the first game of the best-of-three first round playoff series at Parkview Field in Northern Indiana.

Everett Williams' towering solo home run to right field in the bottom of the fifth inning off Loons starter Allen Webster provided the only run of the ballgame, and lifted the TinCaps to a win despite being outhit by the Loons, 9-3.

Webster matched Lollis pitch for pitch until the fateful delivery to Williams in the fifth. After the homer, Webster walked the bases loaded but escaped the jam by getting Daniel Meeley to pop out on his final pitch of the game. Webster allowed only two hits, but walked six and struck out seven in five innings.
오늘 GLL의 플옵 1차전이 열렸는데, 선발이었던 웹스터(Allen Webster)가 아주 터프한 경기를 펼쳤습니다. GLL은 안타갯수에서도 9 : 3으로 압도적이었지만, 단 한점도 뽑질 못했고, 웹스터는 5이닝동안 2피안타 1실점했지만, 6BB/7K라는 아주 좋지 않은 수치를 만들어냈습니다.

일단 플옵 1라운드가 3전 2선승제이기때문에 내일 홈에서 열리는 2차전에서 반드시 이겨야만 3차전이 열립니다.

The two teams meet in game two of the first round series on Thursday night, but the scene shifts to Dow Diamond for the must-win contest for the Loons. Left-hander Greg Wilborn (4-2, 3.26) starts for Great Lakes opposite fellow southpaw Jose De Paula (8-5, 3.27) of Fort Wayne.
내일 경기는 메길이 등판하는줄 알았는데, 웰본(Greg Wilborn)이 등판한다고 하는군요.

Wilborn, 4-2, has dominated at Dow Diamond with a 3-0 home record and a 1.08 earned run average. In 25 innings at home, Wilborn has struck out 37 and walked seven. Away from Dow Diamond, Wilborn is 1-2 with a 7.24 ERA. In 13 2/3 innings on the road, Wilborn has 12 strikeouts and nine walks.
아무래도 홈에서 강한 모습을 보이기때문에 그런거 같네요. 홈/어웨이 성적이 너무나도 차이가 많이 나네요.

올해 마이너리그 최다승인 GLL이 이렇게 광속탈락한다면 선수들에게도 추후에 안좋은 기억으로 남길 수가 있으니 적어도 내일 2차전은 이겨줘야 할거 같네요.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Unless one of the teams sweeps, they will play the rubber game Friday at Dow Diamond with Matt Magill starting for the Loons. Regardless, the second round begins Saturday in another best-of-3 series.

If the Loons win, they will play Saturday's game on the road, at the winner of the series between West Michigan and Lake County. The second game and "if" game would be Sunday and Monday at Dow Diamond.

 "We didn’t start Magill (Monday) so he'd be ready Friday if we need him," Great Lakes manager Juan Bustabad said. "We feel good about our pitching. We have (Josh) Wall ready to go in the next series if we get there. We feel good."
내일 이긴다면 3차전 선발은 메길(Matt Magill)일 가능성이 높겠죠. 그리고 만약 1라운드를 통과한다면 2라운드 1경기에서는 조쉬 월(Josh Wall)이 등판할 것이라고 하네요.


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