The Dodgers have had contact with the agent for free-agent second baseman Orlando Hudson, but General Manager Ned Colletti said he "absolutely" still considers Blake DeWitt his second baseman. "They inquired," Colletti said. Hudson told MLB Network that his agent has had discussions with the Dodgers, Yankees, Mets and Nationals, and he indicated that the teams had not asked him to change positio..
2008 opening-day payroll: $76.6 million 2009 estimated opening-day payroll: $89 million Nevertheless, the only other club that has publicly admitted interest in Ramirez -- the Giants -- also prefers a one-year deal. And given that the Giants' payroll is already in the neighborhood of $90 million, the highest in the history of the franchise, it's difficult to imagine they would be willing to offe..
이제 라미레즈는 잊어 줘야겠고..... 모니터링하는 팀이래야 자이언츠. 내셔널즈 정도 라는데, 문제는 이 둘 다 지들의 1라픽은 보호받는 팀들이라는 점이지요. 고로 우린 얘들의 1라 보충 샌드위치픽과 2라픽을 빼올 수 있는데, 로우 보내면서 애틀의 샌드위치, 보충픽은 이미 빼왔고, 거기에 또 하나의 샌드위치+ 보충픽인데.... 사실 올해 드랩질이 좋은 편도 아니라고 말들을 하는 점까지도 고려한다면....... 1라픽 내주면서 잡을만한 녀석은 속된 말로 벤 쉬츠 하나밖에 안 보이긴 합니다. 지금까지 콜레티가 해온 말도 매니를 잡는다는 전제하에 짰던 계획들이기에.... 후안 피에르라는 대체재나마 있는 외야 쪽보다는 벤 쉬츠+ 랜디 울프 콤보로 로또 한번 긁어볼만 하지 않나 싶습니다. 얘네 둘 합쳐 서 18M..
Dodgers expect to hear from Boras, Ramirez by Wednesday By Tony Jackson on February 2, 2009 8:44 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | ShareThis This from a source who requested anonymity. It isn't a firm deadline, per se, contrary to what was reported earlier tonight on ESPN. But it also has been hinted to me -- not told to me in so many words, but hinted to me -- that this is akin to a final offer a..
A two-year, $45 million offer three months ago didn't get it done. So on Monday, the Los Angeles Dodgers made a new offer to Manny Ramirez -- for one year and $25 million, according to a major league source. Ramirez Dodgers GM Ned Colletti confirmed to ESPN.com that he met with Ramirez's agent, Scott Boras, on Monday and presented the new offer in person. Colletti declined to confirm any details..
Dodgers make second offer to Manny Ramirez: one year, $25 million By Tony Jackson on February 2, 2009 5:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | ShareThis This according to a source with knowledge of the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Ned Colletti confirmed that the offer was made last night, but he wouldn't confirm the length or the amount. Got a message in to Boras, but you know ..