다저스 매니 라미레즈에게 새로운 1년 2500만불 오퍼


Dodgers make second offer to Manny Ramirez: one year, $25 million

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This according to a source with knowledge of the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Ned Colletti confirmed that the offer was made last night, but he wouldn't confirm the length or the amount. Got a message in to Boras, but you know how that goes. Until (and if) I hear back from him, there is no word on whether he and Manny are receptive to such a deal. But it certainly appears, from the outside looking in, that they are running out of options if he wants to make it somewhere by the start of spring training.
``We are still trying to sign Manny, and we hope that this will make him happy,'' Colletti said.
The Dodgers' original offer to Manny, which was pulled off the table three months ago, was two years, $45 million with a club option for 2011. These are the only known offers to Ramirez by any major-league club since he filed for free agency last fall.

다저스가 11월 중순에 2년 4500만불 오퍼를 한 이후 3달만에 새로운 오퍼를

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