Dodgers GM says Sabathia wants to be in L.A.
Maybe CC Sabathia does indeed want to work close to home.Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti told's Jayson Stark on Monday that he ran into the free agent on Sunday night in a hotel lobby and the left-hander told him that he wants to be a Dodger. (아마도 CC 사바시아는 정말로 집 근처에서 플레이하기를 원하고 있는지도 모른다.다저스 단장 네드 콜레티는 ESPN 제이슨 스탁이 월요일 쓴 글에 따르면 일요일 밤 호텔 로비에서 FA 선수를 우연히 만났고 그 좌완 투수는 다저스에서 뛰기를 원한다고 밝혔었다고 이야기했다.)
Although the New York Yankees andMilwaukee Brewers have made offers to the prize of the free-agent class, speculation continued that Sabathia would want to play near the home he is building in Southern California.Sabathia did meet with the Yankees on Sunday, and his representatives spoke with the Brewers on Monday.According to a baseball man with knowledge of the meeting, Sabathia wanted to meet with the Yankees on Sunday because he's "trying to gather information" about the franchise and New York. (비록 뉴욕 양키스와 밀워키 브루워스는 사바시아에게 이미 오퍼를 했으나 사바시아는 지속적으로 남부 캘리포니아에 짓고 있는 자신의 집 근처에서 뛰기를 원하는 것으로 알려지고 있다.일요일 양키스와 만남을 가진 사바시아는 브루워스와는 월요일만나 이야기를 나눌 예정이다.그 만남에 관해서 잘 알고 있는 이에 따르면 사바시아는 뉴욕과 프랜차이즈에 관한 더 정보를 얻으려 했기 때문에 양키스와 만남을 가진 것이다라고 밝혔다.)
Sabathia and his agent, Greg Genske, met for about 2½ hours on Sunday with Yankees GM Brian Cashman and manager Joe Girardi. And the main focus of the conversation, the source said, was whether Sabathia wants to be a Yankee.The Yankees' six-year, $140 million offer to Sabathia has been on the table now for nearly four weeks. Not only has Sabathia not said yes, he has been sending messages to the three interested West Coast teams -- the Dodgers, Giants and Angels -- that he would like to play in California. (사바시아와 에이전트는 일요일 캐쉬먼 단장과 지라디 감독과 2시간 30분에 걸친 만남을 가졌고 대화의 주요 포커스는 소스에 의하면 사바시아가 양키스에서 뛰기를 원하는지 아닌지였다고 알려지고 있다.6년 1억 4000만불을 오퍼를 받은 사바시아는 거의 4주가 다가는동안 테이블에서 Yes라는 말을 하지 않았으며 이것은 그가 서부 해안에 있는 3개팀에 뛰는 걸 관심을 가지고 있다는 메세지로 보였다. 그팀은 다저스와 자이언츠 그리고 엔젤스이다.)
But in his meeting with the Yankees, Sabathia did not indicate that his delay in signing has anything to do with a preference to play elsewhere, the source said. He's simply attempting to assemble as full a picture as possible before making a major decision. "He just wants to know what it's like to play in New York," the source said.
Brewers general manager Doug Melvin met with Sabathia's representatives for a half hour on Monday afternoon.
Melvin said that the team was still in the running for the left-hander.
"Until we're told we're no longer involved, I take it that we have a chance," Melvin said, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "Teams can pull out, too. I don't know what else is out there. If they told us we weren't still in it, we'd move on."
Sources told the Chicago Tribune that the Brewers had added a sixth year to their initial proposal and that Melvin was considering adding an opt-out clause after three took that one step further, saying the Brewers were considering an opt-out clause after only two years. That would make Sabathia a free agent again at age 30.
Melvin wouldn't comment on specifics of the deal.
Sabathia is scheduled to leave the winter meetings Monday night after huddling with theBoston Red Sox.
-> '사영추' 에서 강추했던 6년 1억 3000만불 오퍼 때리면 아니 1억 2500만불만 때려도 사바시아는 다저스로 올 것 같은데 맥코트와 콜레티여 돈 좀 쓰자.매니 라미레즈 기다리다 딴 팀 가면 어쩌려고 이러니.그렇다고 투수중 사바시아 빼고 매니 라미레즈를 대체할만큼 대형 선수가 있는 것도 아니고 로우와 페니 빠져나갔는데 사바시아 하나면 충분히 대체가 된다.
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