Jon Garland’s new one-year, $5-million contract with the Dodgers could be worth as much as $16.525 million over two years.
Garland’s new contract calls for a 2011 salary of $3.5 million. The deal includes a signing bonus of $1 million that will be paid in 2012.
Garland can earn $3.525 million in incentives in 2011: He will be paid $500,000 for pitching 150 innings, another $500,000 for 160 innings, $525,00 for 170 innings, $1 million for 180 innings and $1 million for 190 innings.
If he pitches 190 innings, $1 million of his incentive pay will be deferred without interest.
The contract includes a 2012 club option worth $8 million. For the option to vest, Garland must pitch 190 innings and avoid landing on the disabled list in September because of an injury to his right arm.
If Garland’s 2012 option doesn’t vest and his option is declined, the Dodgers will pay him a $500,000 buyout.
Garland can earn an additional $250,000 in 2012 for pitching 185 innings and another $250,000 for 190 innings.
Garland will donate $25,000 to the Dodgers Dream Foundation next year and $50,000 in 2012.
갈랜드의 계약 세부내용이 나왔습니다.
2년간 모든 옵션을 다 채우면 16.525M의 가치를 지닌 이번 계약은 일단 내년에 3.5M의 기본연봉을 받고, 1M의 사이닝 보너스는 2012년에 지급될 것이라고 하는군요.
그리고 내년에 150이닝을 넘기면 50만 달러, 160이닝을 넘기면 50만달러, 170이닝은 52만 5천불, 180이닝은 1M, 190이닝은 1M을 받는다고 하는군요. 다만 190이닝을 넘기면 수령하게될 1M은 나중에 무이자로 추후지급으로 변경된다고 합니다.
그리고 내년에 190이닝을 넘기면 베스팅 옵션이 실행되며 9월에 DL에 있으면 안된다는 2가지 조건을 모두 만족시켜야 하는가 보네요.
뭐 이후에는 블라블라...ㅡ.ㅡ;; 자꾸 쓸려니...

On the same day the
Dodgers made the
Juan Uribe signing official, which meant Ryan Theriot's days with the club were numbered, the Dodgers traded the second baseman to the
Cardinals for pitcher Blake Hawksworth. Theriot was a likely non-tender candidate by Thursday night's deadline, as he was set to make somewhere north of $3.5 million in 2011.
유리베를 영입하면서 테리엇이 논텐더될 것이 확실해졌던 가운데, 다저스가 테리엇을 활용해서 불펜(스윙맨)을 영입했습니다.
일단 딜 자체는 아주 만족스럽다고 생각되어집니다. 어차피 버릴 가능성이 높은 선수였다면 이렇게 빅리그 서비스타임(1.108)도 적은 선수를 데려온 것은 만족할만한 딜이라고 생각되어지네요.