Ogden Raptors (Los Angeles Dodgers)
2009 Results: 42-34, third in South Division
Manager: Damon Berryhill
The Raptors look to be one of the most experienced teams in the league with nine returning players from the 2009 team. Manager Damon Berryhill will have back notable weapons Luis Ferreras (RHP, 2-1 with 2.50 ERA in '09) and 2B/3B Pedro Guerrero (.259 with four home runs in '09). Off the field, Ogden will be offering one million free tickets at participating local McDonald's and will again have the "Wheelin' Wildcats" as ushers, a group of wheelchair basketball players who range in age from 17 to 50-something as proceeds go to travel expenses for the basketball team.
오그던 렙터스(Ogden Raptors)의 로스터에는 작년시즌 파이오니아리그(Pioneer League)에서 뛴 경험이 가장 많은 로스터를 가지고 있다고 합니다. 그 중에 두 명의 주목할만한 로스터를 가지고 있다고 하지만, 제가볼때는 이 두 명보다는 가렛 굴드(Garrett Gould), 카를로스 프리아스(Carlos Frias), 페드로 타바레스(Pedro Tavarez), 조나단 가르시아(Jonathan Garcia), 리온 랜드리(Leon Landry)가 아닐까 싶네요.
The first name that jumped out at me was CF Leon Landry, since I didn’t know he’d signed. The LSU product was this year’s 3rd round pick for the Dodgers, after he compiled a .338 batting average with the Tigers, clubbing 6 home runs and stealing 16 bases in 20 attempts. He also walked 30 times, compared to 25 strikeouts. His speed is above average, allowing him to cover plenty of ground in center and be a threat to steal on the basepaths. There’s even some power in his bat, though he’s not a middle of the order type of hitter. The only tool Leon is missing is arm strength, so if he doesn’t stick in center, he’d have to move to left. Landry profiles as a classic leadoff hitter and could move quickly thru the system.
그 중 가장 최근에 다저스와 계약한 올해 다저스 드레프트 3라운드(전체 109번픽)으로 뽑힌 리온 랜드리가 주목될 & 주목할만한 선수일거 같습니다. 4툴플레이어로 알려진 란드리는 어깨가 너무 허접하기때문에 현 포지션인 CF를 볼 능력이 떨어진다면 좌익수로도 가능하다는 평가가 있습니다. 물론 일각에서는 타격에 대한 어프로치가 너무 떨어져서 빅리그급 선수로 성장할지가 의심된다는 얘기도 있지만, 그의 과거사(본인은 교통사고 & 부모님은 암)를 본다면 다른 선수에 비해 악바리같은 정신은 충만할거 같습니다.
Leon’s LSU teammate, 1B Blake Dean, is also on the roster. Blake was drafted in the 8th round this year as a senior, so already 22, he’ll need to hit early and often to be considered a real prospect. He has a polished bat, hitting .341 with 12 homers in his final season in college. Like Landry, he also walked more (43) than he struck out (33). After spending time in the outfield, he’s found a home at first base. His bat is his best tool and should allow the Dodgers to be aggressive in promoting him, if his production warrants it.
최근에 다저스의 1루자원이 말라버렸는데, 란드리와 대학 팀메이트인 블레이크 딘(Blake Dean)을 8라운드(전체 262번픽)로 지명했습니다. 이미 22살이기때문에 너무 큰 기대가 안되는건 일반적인 사실이지만, 일단은 란드리와 비슷하게 삼진보다 많은 볼넷을 얻고 있고, 컨택이 좋은거 같습니다. 같은 나이대의 코너 파워스(Connor Powers, 파즈 21라운드)에 비해 좋은 선택인거 같습니다.
A pair of familiar faces from last year’s draft class are on the roster: RHP Garrett Gould and OF Jonathan Garcia return to rookie ball. Gould signed late and only got 3 games in with the Raptors last season. Keith Law reported that his velocity was down this spring, which is probably why the Dodgers are sending him back to short-season ball. Garcia was a surprise omission from the Loons’ opening day roster, as he enjoyed a successful debut (.862 OPS) and was even named one of the Arizona League’s Top 20 prospects by Baseball America. However, given his youth (he won’t turn 19 until Nov 11th), the Dodgers can afford to be patient with him.
키스 로우씨가 간단 포스팅을 한적이 있나봅니다. 구속이 떨어졌다네요. 아마도 딜리버리수정의 후폭풍이 아닐까 싶습니다.
가르시아의 경우 올해 GLL의 오프닝 데이 로스터에 이름이 올려져있지않아 놀랐다고 하는데, 아무래도 나이영향과 아직도 성장하고 있기때문인거 같습니다.
Another trio of 2010 draftees on the roster include 5th rounder SS Jake Lemmerman, 9th rounder C Steve Domecus and 12th rounder 3B Jesse Bosnik. Lemmerman, a Duke alum, led his team in most offensive categories last year, including BA (.335), HR (11), BB (28) and OPS (.985). Bosnik also led his team in batting and home runs, so the pair gives the Raptors a potent left side of the infield. Domecus tied for his team’s lead in HR with 13 and even stole 12 bases, not bad for a catcher. He threw out nearly 30% of attempted basestealers, but some believe he’s destined to move to the OF.
그 외에 오그던 렙터스 로스터에 올해 드레프티어들입니다.
AZL Dodgers도 내일 개막하는데, 아직 로스터가 불안정하더군요. 링크로 대처합니다.
AZL Dodgers의 감독이 로렌조 번디(Lorenzo Bundy)인데, 이 분은 애리조나로 잠시 외도했기때문인지 어떨지는 모르겠으나 조금 좌천된 느낌이네요.
2009 Results: 42-34, third in South Division
Manager: Damon Berryhill
The Raptors look to be one of the most experienced teams in the league with nine returning players from the 2009 team. Manager Damon Berryhill will have back notable weapons Luis Ferreras (RHP, 2-1 with 2.50 ERA in '09) and 2B/3B Pedro Guerrero (.259 with four home runs in '09). Off the field, Ogden will be offering one million free tickets at participating local McDonald's and will again have the "Wheelin' Wildcats" as ushers, a group of wheelchair basketball players who range in age from 17 to 50-something as proceeds go to travel expenses for the basketball team.
오그던 렙터스(Ogden Raptors)의 로스터에는 작년시즌 파이오니아리그(Pioneer League)에서 뛴 경험이 가장 많은 로스터를 가지고 있다고 합니다. 그 중에 두 명의 주목할만한 로스터를 가지고 있다고 하지만, 제가볼때는 이 두 명보다는 가렛 굴드(Garrett Gould), 카를로스 프리아스(Carlos Frias), 페드로 타바레스(Pedro Tavarez), 조나단 가르시아(Jonathan Garcia), 리온 랜드리(Leon Landry)가 아닐까 싶네요.
The first name that jumped out at me was CF Leon Landry, since I didn’t know he’d signed. The LSU product was this year’s 3rd round pick for the Dodgers, after he compiled a .338 batting average with the Tigers, clubbing 6 home runs and stealing 16 bases in 20 attempts. He also walked 30 times, compared to 25 strikeouts. His speed is above average, allowing him to cover plenty of ground in center and be a threat to steal on the basepaths. There’s even some power in his bat, though he’s not a middle of the order type of hitter. The only tool Leon is missing is arm strength, so if he doesn’t stick in center, he’d have to move to left. Landry profiles as a classic leadoff hitter and could move quickly thru the system.
그 중 가장 최근에 다저스와 계약한 올해 다저스 드레프트 3라운드(전체 109번픽)으로 뽑힌 리온 랜드리가 주목될 & 주목할만한 선수일거 같습니다. 4툴플레이어로 알려진 란드리는 어깨가 너무 허접하기때문에 현 포지션인 CF를 볼 능력이 떨어진다면 좌익수로도 가능하다는 평가가 있습니다. 물론 일각에서는 타격에 대한 어프로치가 너무 떨어져서 빅리그급 선수로 성장할지가 의심된다는 얘기도 있지만, 그의 과거사(본인은 교통사고 & 부모님은 암)를 본다면 다른 선수에 비해 악바리같은 정신은 충만할거 같습니다.
Leon’s LSU teammate, 1B Blake Dean, is also on the roster. Blake was drafted in the 8th round this year as a senior, so already 22, he’ll need to hit early and often to be considered a real prospect. He has a polished bat, hitting .341 with 12 homers in his final season in college. Like Landry, he also walked more (43) than he struck out (33). After spending time in the outfield, he’s found a home at first base. His bat is his best tool and should allow the Dodgers to be aggressive in promoting him, if his production warrants it.
최근에 다저스의 1루자원이 말라버렸는데, 란드리와 대학 팀메이트인 블레이크 딘(Blake Dean)을 8라운드(전체 262번픽)로 지명했습니다. 이미 22살이기때문에 너무 큰 기대가 안되는건 일반적인 사실이지만, 일단은 란드리와 비슷하게 삼진보다 많은 볼넷을 얻고 있고, 컨택이 좋은거 같습니다. 같은 나이대의 코너 파워스(Connor Powers, 파즈 21라운드)에 비해 좋은 선택인거 같습니다.
A pair of familiar faces from last year’s draft class are on the roster: RHP Garrett Gould and OF Jonathan Garcia return to rookie ball. Gould signed late and only got 3 games in with the Raptors last season. Keith Law reported that his velocity was down this spring, which is probably why the Dodgers are sending him back to short-season ball. Garcia was a surprise omission from the Loons’ opening day roster, as he enjoyed a successful debut (.862 OPS) and was even named one of the Arizona League’s Top 20 prospects by Baseball America. However, given his youth (he won’t turn 19 until Nov 11th), the Dodgers can afford to be patient with him.
키스 로우씨가 간단 포스팅을 한적이 있나봅니다. 구속이 떨어졌다네요. 아마도 딜리버리수정의 후폭풍이 아닐까 싶습니다.
가르시아의 경우 올해 GLL의 오프닝 데이 로스터에 이름이 올려져있지않아 놀랐다고 하는데, 아무래도 나이영향과 아직도 성장하고 있기때문인거 같습니다.
Another trio of 2010 draftees on the roster include 5th rounder SS Jake Lemmerman, 9th rounder C Steve Domecus and 12th rounder 3B Jesse Bosnik. Lemmerman, a Duke alum, led his team in most offensive categories last year, including BA (.335), HR (11), BB (28) and OPS (.985). Bosnik also led his team in batting and home runs, so the pair gives the Raptors a potent left side of the infield. Domecus tied for his team’s lead in HR with 13 and even stole 12 bases, not bad for a catcher. He threw out nearly 30% of attempted basestealers, but some believe he’s destined to move to the OF.
그 외에 오그던 렙터스 로스터에 올해 드레프티어들입니다.
AZL Dodgers도 내일 개막하는데, 아직 로스터가 불안정하더군요. 링크로 대처합니다.
AZL Dodgers의 감독이 로렌조 번디(Lorenzo Bundy)인데, 이 분은 애리조나로 잠시 외도했기때문인지 어떨지는 모르겠으나 조금 좌천된 느낌이네요.
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