Josh Lindblom, arguably the Dodgers' top pitching prospect, is being converted back into a reliever after what essentially was a failed effort to make him a starter. The former closer for Purdue University, whom the Dodgers drafted in the second round in 2008, went 2-1 with a 7.06 ERA in 10 starts for Albuquerque this season.
조쉬 린드블럼(Josh Lindblom)이 다시 릴리프로 재컨버전한다고 합니다. 이미 퍼듀대학시절부터 팀의 마무리투수로 활동해왔던 그이기에 이런 컨버전은 결코 낯설지는 않을거 같습니다.
Lindblom allowed 80 hits in 51 innings, and opposing batters hit .349 against him -- a glaring figure even in the hitter-friendly Pacific Coast League.
Lindblom is working out at the Dodgers' spring-training facility in Glendale, Ariz., getting the same, weeklong break from throwing that assistant general manager for player development DeJon Watson gives his starting pitchers after 10 starts.
이 기사는 처음접하는데, 원래 올시즌 10번만 선발로 등판하고 그 결과에 따라 릴리프로 다시 돌아갈지에 대한 여부를 결정할 것이라고 했었다는군요.
그리고 10번의 성적을 보시면, 해도해도 너무 심하게 망가진 상태입니다.
06/02/2010 ; Josh Lindblom assigned to Ogden Raptors from Albuquerque Isotopes.
해서 이런 무브가 있었군요. 이미 린드블럼은 엘버커키 로스터에서 빠진 상태입니다. 오그던 렙터스로 간걸로 되어있지만, 카멜백-렌치에 있겠죠.
"When he gets back, we're probably going to transition him back to the bullpen,'' Watson said. "I think he is better suited to the bullpen. It's just his delivery and his stuff, and I think this will give him a chance to help our big league club at some point this year. We just want to get him back to where he was at the end of last year."
I think he is better suited to the bullpen.
이 소리는 제가 현지기사글...특히 린드블럼에 관한 기사글을 읽을때 수도없이 언급된 문장인거 같습니다. 일단 늦었지만, 늦었을때가 늦은거라고...그래도 이런 결정을 나름(?) 플랜을 세워놓고 실행했다는 것이 지금 현재단계로써는 다행스럽고 아주 약간은 팀의 방향이 조금은 올바른 길로 가고 있는듯합니다.
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