하와이 윈터리그(HWB), 대용의 리그


사용자 삽입 이미지
With Hawaii Winter Baseball no longer an option to send young Minor Leaguers this fall and a proposed "Junior Arizona Fall League" likely a year away, a group of farm directors took matters into their hands to provide a good development opportunity for their players.
이맘때가 되면 겨울리그에 관한 소식들이 속속들이 나오는데 올해는 소식이 뜸해서 찾아보니 하와이 윈터리그(HWB)가 없어졌군요. 하와이 윈터리그는 겨울리그 중 가장 레벨이 낮지만 비교적 최근에 드레프트된 선수들이 있는지라 (나름) 관심있었던 리그였는데 계약이 만료되었다고 합니다. 대신 일명 "주니어 애리조나 풀 리그"라는 것이 생겨날 것 같다는군요.

Eight teams with facilities located largely in the West Valley of Phoenix have come together to form an unofficial co-op league to give some of their players an additional chance to compete. It's so informal, it doesn't really have an accepted name, with some calling it the "Advanced Instructional League," others calling it the "Arizona Parallel League."
피닉스 근교에 스캠이 있는 8팀은 거의 이런 작업을 완료했다고 합니다. 아직 정식 명칭은 나오지 않았는데 "상위 교육 리그 or Arizona Parallel League"라고 부른다네요.

"The day it was announced there wasn't going to be a junior league -- we had been counting on it -- that day, I started calling the other farm directors," said Royals assistant general manager for scouting and player development, J.J. Picollo, whom many give credit to for driving this effort. "We threw out some ideas to the directors, but it's a very loose format."
저번에 커쇼님이 말씀하신 텍사스로 건너간 과거 다저스의 스카우터 이름이 Scott Servais가 아닌가 싶네요. 밑에 이름이 나오는데.....어쨎든 이들은 이미 교육리그를 진행중이라는군요.

In general, here's how it works. Games will take place in four complexes where instructional league play was already occurring: Surprise, Peoria and the two new facilities in Glendale and Goodyear. In each case, two teams share the complex and will feed players into a shared team. In Surprise, the Royals and Rangers are partners; in Peoria, it's the Padres and Mariners; Cincinnati and Cleveland share the Goodyear team, with the Dodgers and White Sox over in Glendale.

Each organization will provide 10 players each to the roster, which can be fluid and will likely change frequently. Picollo and Rangers farm director Scott Servais have a good relationship forged over the years since both teams moved their Spring Training (and instructional) homes to Surprise, and they discovered they had a good fit in terms of personnel. Each will send five players and five pitchers. There will be eight position players who will basically play every day.
팀당(조직 당) 10명의 선수를 보내는 것으로 대충 얘기가 되는 모양입니다. 물론 이건 확정된 것이 아니기에 바뀔 수도 있다는군요. 투수 5명과 타자 5명....이렇게!!

There will be two catchers. Every team can design things their own way, but the Royals and Rangers will have their individual catcher behind the plate when their pitcher is on the mound. And when there is a Royals starter on the mound, for example, all the relievers will be from the Kansas City system, as well.
이건 좀 특이하네요. 로열스 투수가 마운드에 오르면 로열스 소속의 포수가 나올 거라네요.

This alternative league will begin play on Sept. 24 and continue through Oct. 16. There will be four games per week -- every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Games will start at 12:30 p.m. MST and will be played in the main stadium of each facility whenever possible. The schedule allows for the best of all possible worlds for teams participating.
일단 새로 출범하는 리그의 일정은 이달 24일에서 다음달 16일까지 열릴 거라고 합니다. 날짜까지 나올 정도면 어느정도 설립이 다 되었다는 소리같네요. 일주일에 4경기씩 열리며 월요일, 화요일, 목요일, 금요일에 열리며 중부시간으로 12시 30분에 시작할 거라고 합니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
"We get to bring in an additional 10 bodies to give them a chance to play," Dodgers farm director De Jon Watson said, pointing out that a guy like Trayvon Robinson, who is on the taxi squad for the Peoria Javelinas in the AFL and thus can only play on Wednesdays and Saturdays, can go to this other league early to get locked in to some game action.
트레이본 로빈슨(Trayvon Robinson)의 경우는 AFL 출전명단에 있으나 제한출전명단(taxi squad)에 있는지라 AFL에서는 수요일과 토요일밖에 경기에 출전하지 못하니다. 해서 그에겐 이 리그와 번갈아가면서 뛸 수도 있다네요.

Teams were also thrilled about the idea that any players playing can still get morning workouts in at instructs -- something most feel is key to development -- before heading over and playing in these games. The games, in turn, will provide something a little more upscale than regular instructs games. It's been estimated that the league will cost $30,000-35,000 to operate.

"We'll have umpires, it'll be a more competitive environment," Picollo said. "We'll play nine innings, there won't be any rollover innings."
심판도 섭외를 했다는군요. 해서 더 경쟁력있는 환경이라고 합니다. 아무래도 그냥 코치들이 가르치는것보다 이렇게 교육과 실전을 번갈아가며 한다면 더 많이 배우지 않을까 싶습니다. 9이닝경기로 치르되 연장은 없다고 하는군요.

Games will be open to anyone who wishes to attend. And they might get to see some pretty good talent, with teams sending players from a variety of levels, most coming from Class A or Double-A. The Royals are focusing on more advanced pitchers and guys who will likely be heading to Double-A in 2010. Kansas City's fourth-round pick from the June 2009 Draft, LHP Chris Dwyer, will be among those representing the Royals in the league.
캔사스 시티가 꽤나 관심을 나타내는것 아닌가 싶은데 개인적으로 제가 관심있어하는 더피선수가 여기 나올 가능성도 있어보입니다.

Rosters are far from official and league-wide stats will not be kept, but those who decide to check it out might see Indians first-round pick Alex White, Mariners outfielder Greg Halman or their second-round pick Rich Poythress and Padres infielder Matt Antonelli or outfielder Jaff Decker. Dodger fans might get a glimpse of Midwest League MVP Dee Gordon and perhaps slugging oufielder Kyle Russell.
일단 올해 클리브랜드의 1라운더인 알렉스 화이트(Alex White)의 경우는 그냥 "교육 리그" 출전명단에 포함되어있습니다만 한 단계 높을 것으로 예상되는 이곳으로 갈 가능성도 있다네요.
