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다저스유망주가 오래간만에 마이너리그닷컴 메인 페이지를 장식했습니다.

주인공은 오늘 리그 최강팀인 Fort Wayne를 상대로 6이닝 노히트 경기를 펼친 09년 셔플픽인 아론 밀러(Aaron Miller)입니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Aaron Miller is more than living up to his billing as the Dodgers' first-round pick in this year's Draft.

The 21-year-old left-hander struck out five while facing the minimum over six no-hit innings Thursday night as the Great Lakes Loons cruised to a 10-0 rout of the Fort Wayne TinCaps at the Dow Diamond.

"I'm ecstatic," Miller said after throwing 88 pitches in his longest outing of the season. "I'm just trying to attack the zone as much as I can with all three pitches -- fastball, slider and changeup. It's been a process with the off-speed pitches, but I'm throwing the changeup and slider for strikes when I need to."
리그 최강팀이자 리그 최고의 득점팀(694)을 상대로 6이닝동안 88개의 공을 던지며 최고의 피칭을 선보였습니다. 밀러는 페스트볼, 슬라이더, 체인지업으로 스트라익존을 잘 공략했으며 오프스피드 피칭을 배우는 단계이지만 필요할때는 체인지업과 슬라이더로 스트라익을 던질 수 있다고 합니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
"It's a process," Miller said. "I understand that. I'm working my way up.l Hopefully my best games aren't while I'm here. I still have plenty of games in the future."

Miller fanned the final two batters in a perfect opening frame before getting a seven-run cushion to work with from his offense in the bottom of the inning. The 6-foot-3, 200-pound southpaw didn't take the big lead for granted.

Justin Baum and Allan Dykstra fanned to start the second, giving Miller four consecutive punchouts before Dan Robertson was retired on a fly ball to right field.

Miller set down the first 13 batters he faced before hitting Dykstra with one out in the fifth. Robertson grounded into an inning-ending double play before the Channelview, Texas native pitched a perfect sixth to cap his best outing as a pro, drawing a loud ovation from the crowd of 5,344.

"I understand being pulled after six," said Miller. "But anybody who is throwing that well wants to keep going as long as they can."
오늘 프로데뷔 후 최고의 플레이를 선보였지만 여전히 자신이 가야할 길은 멀다고 하는군요.
밀러는 첫 13타자를 범타로 처리한 후 5회 1사에서 Allan Dykstra에게 몸에 맞는 공을 내줬지만 바로 병살로 이닝을 종료하고 6회에도 삼자범퇴처리했습니다.

Making the performance even more impressive was the opponent. Fort Wayne boasts the best overall record (87-43) and has scored the most runs (694) in the league this season.

Including his start against South Bend five days ago, Miller has yielded only one hit and four walks with 10 strikeouts over 11 1/3 scoreless frames in his last two outings.
지난 경기에서도 5.1이닝 무실점투구를 하며 최근 11.1이닝동안 1피안타 10K(4BB)의 상승세를 기록하고 있습니다.

"I really don't know [why I've had so much success]," Miller admitted. "There's always going to be bumps in the road. I'm just trying to make sure I throw strikes. If they hit it, they hit it. If they don't, they don't."

After batting .310 with 12 homers and 47 RBIs in 56 games during his final season at Baylor, some wondered whether Miller would be drafted as a position player. But the Dodgers saw the power-hitting junior outfielder's potential as a hurler.

"You want to [hit] as long as you can, but there's always a point where you have to focus on what's going to get you to the next level," Miller said. "It was a blast in college to be able to do both, but at some point you have to focus on one."

Despite giving up his at-bats, Miller is feeling more and comfortable in his new full-time role.

"It's all about getting in a routine," he said. "That's one thing that I've been really happy about, getting in a routine day in and day out, not having to worry about anything but pitching. I've been able to make some big steps in a month-and-a-half."
알려진대로 밀러는 베일러대학에서 투 웨이(Two-way) 선수였고, 다저스가 그를 타자가 아닌 투수로 지명했을때는 오판이 아닌가하는 말이 많았지만 현재로는 성공적입니다. 밀러 본인도 대학에서는 두 가지를 모두 했지만 이제는 한 곳(투구)에 집중한다고 하는군요. 그리고 자신의 새로운 위치(투수)에 더 편안함을 느낀다고 합니다.

오늘 GLL은 지난 7일에 펼쳐진 경기와 유사하게 3명의 좌완투수로 셧아웃을 시켰습니다.

8월 7일 경기 결과

Great Lakes
Miller, A (W, 3-1) 6.0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1.65
Aguasviva 2.0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1.72
St. Clair 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.78

HBP : Sands (by Osuna, S), Hatch (by Perez, E), Dykstra, A (by Miller, A).
Groundouts-flyouts : Miller, A 7-6, Aguasviva 2-2, St. Clair 0-3
Batters faced : Miller, A 18, Aguasviva 8, St. Clair 4.
Ejections : Fort Wayne TinCaps Manager Doug Dascenzo ejected by HP umpire Marcus Pattillo (8th); Fort Wayne TinCaps pitcher Eduardo Perez ejected by HP umpire Marcus Pattillo (8th).
오늘 경기에서는 약간의 빈볼싸움이 있었나 봅니다. 1회에 샌즈(Jerry Sands)가 HBP를 맞았고 5회에 밀러가 복수(?)했는데 다시 8회에 상대팀 투수이자 작년까지 다저스 마이너에 있던 페레즈(Eduardo Perez)가 빈볼을 던졌고 이 과정에서 주심이 페레즈와 Fort Wayne의 감독을 퇴장시켰습니다.

현재 GLL의 후반기성적은 미드웨스트 동부지구 공동 2위여서 플옵에 나갈 확률이 높아졌습니다.

First Half Qualifiers (4)

  • 1. Team finishing in first place in the Western Division ("Western First Half Champion")
  • 2. Team finishing in first place in the Eastern Division ("Eastern First Half Champion")
  • 3. Team finishing in second place in the Western Division ("Western First Half Wild Card")
  • 4. Team finishing in second place in the Eastern Division ("Eastern First Half Wild Card")

Second Half Qualifiers (4)
  • 1. Team finishing in first place in the Western Division ("Western Second Half Champion")
  • 2. Team finishing in first place in the Eastern Division ("Eastern Second Half Champion")
  • 3. Team finishing in second place in the Western Division ("Western Second Half Wild Card")
  • 4. Team finishing in second place in the Eastern Division ("Eastern Second Half Wild Card")
  • **If the first place team in the Second Half has already qualified as a first half qualifier (either as Champion or Wild Card), then the team finishing in second-place in the second half shall qualify as the "Second Half Champion."
  • **If the second place team in the Second Half has already qualified (as a First Half Champion or Wild Card or Second Half Champion) then the team finishing in third place in the second half shall qualify as the "Second Half Wild Card."
  • **If the third place team in the Second Half has already qualified (as a First Half Champion or Wild Card), then the team finishing in fourth place in the second half shall qualify as the "Second Half Wild Card."

플옵규정인데, 전반기 동부지구 1위가 Fort Wayne였고 와일드카드가 West Michigan였는데 이 두팀은 후반기에도 여전히 강세이지만 규정에 따라 이미 진출이 확정된 두 팀을 제외한 가장 승률이 높은 구단이 GLL이며 GLL가 이런 페이스를 유지한다면 후반기 와일드카드 자격이 주어지게 됩니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
현재 GLL와 함께 플옵경쟁을 노리는 South Bend와의 경기가 내일부터 홈에서 4경기 펼쳐지는데 두 팀간의 승차는 4.5경기차이입니다. 주말 4연전으로 판가름이 나지 않을까 싶네요.
