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다저스, 마크 멀더에게 관심 표현

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by akira8190 2009. 3. 30. 11:06


로젠탈과 함께 MLB의 양대 뻥쟁이인 보스턴 글로브지의 소식이라 신뢰성이 0에 가깝지만, 어쨎든 뉴스에 나왔으니 포스팅합니다.

While the Dodgers have been reported to have interest in Pedro Martinez, they also might be interested in another veteran coming off an injury: Mark Mulder.

This from The Boston Globe's Nick Cafardo:

"Mulder has reached the final stage of his rotator cuff surgery rehab with former Michigan State pitching coach Greg Gunderson and will likely throw for teams next week. Mulder has had to get over a psychological hump after such a surgery, which limited him to six appearances over the last two years with the Cardinals. When healthy, Mulder, 103-60 over his career, has been one of the top lefties in the game. Only 31, the 6-foot-6-inch, 200-pounder will likely sign a Triple A deal. The Dodgers have been the most interested team, while the Brewers might also be in the mix. Mulder's agent, Gregg Clifton, expects six or seven teams to send scouts to watch his client throw."
일단 다저스만이 멀더에게 관심을 가지는게 아니라, 그의 에이전트에 의하면 6~7개팀이 관심을 가지고 있다는군요.
아마 카즈에게 사기친 딜을 이제는 못할걸로 예상되네요.
글로브의 기자도 그가 계약한다면 마이너딜이 될거라고 하는군요.
솔직히 아직 리헵중이면 슈밋을 믿는게 더 속편할 지도....


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