Rafael Furcal wasted no time, making his debut for Aguilas last night in the Dominican Winter League, and he started at second base. Furcal went 2 for 5, scoring a run and driving in another before being replaced at second by future spring teammate Hector Luna.
The winning pitcher for Aguilas? None other than Jose Lima.
Meanwhile, Furcal once again denied to the Associated Press that he had agreed to a deal with the Braves and had this to say about the A's.
"They offered $32 million for four years and later raised it to $35 million and told us to take it or leave it."
몇일된 소식인데, 퍼칼이 도미니칸 윈터리그에서 2루수로 출전했다는군요.
무슨 행동인지 모르겠네요. 도끼네와 계약은 2루수라서 싫다고 해놓고서....
The Indians signed infielder Wilson Valdez to a minor-league contract and invited him to spring training. The author of the press release was apparently so excited by the signing that the former Dodgers starting shortstop's entire name was in capital letters.
다저스가 기아 타이거즈에 팔아넘긴 윌슨 발데스(Wilson Valdez)가 클리브랜드와 마이너계약을 채결했다고 하네요.
뭐 이적료는 이미 기아에게 받았으니 상관은 없다만, 과거 다저스에서 잠깐 뛴(coffee-time) 맴버이기때문에 소개 정도야...ㅎㅎ
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