few posts ago, I covered the angry letter that Frank McCourt sent to his wife to terminate her employment. Well, I think now
we know why he wasn't so pleased with her.
Frank McCourt's wife, Jamie, may have unceremoniously gotten the ax as CEO of the Los Angeles Dodgers, but she is clearly trying to move on with her personal life.
We got these pictures of Jamie yesterday, lunching in Malibu with Jeff Fuller -- the new guy in her life. Now, in the awkward department, until recently Jeff was the Director of Protocol for the Dodgers.
We're told Jamie and Fuller began seeing each other after she split with Frank. Fuller was fired from the Dodgers in mid-October.
BTW, Fuller's late mom was an heir to the Pillsbury fortune ... translation, he's loaded.
So I guess we know what was meant by "inappropriate behavior with regard to a direct subordinate".
Yeah, it's gonna be a mess. :o
제이미 맥코티(Jamie McCourt)가 바람(새로운 보이프랜드)이 났다는 기사가 TMZ에 실렸습니다. 뭐 유명한 그런 사이트죠...얼마전에 에린 앤드류스 양때문에 이 사이트를 방문한 적이 있는데, 가쉽거리 아니면 쉽게 잘 안가는 곳인지라...
암튼 바람의 상대는 Director of Protocol for the Dodgers(이걸 뭐라고 칭해야할지 모르겠네요)의 제프 풀러(Jeff Fuller)라네요. 적은 내부에 있다....인가요?ㅡ.ㅡ;;
이틀전에 말리부(Malibu)라는 곳에서 찍힌 사진입니다. 제프 풀러는 10월 중순에 짤렸다고 하네요. 제이미와 비슷한 시기에 짜른걸 보면 뭐 거의 확정적인거 같습니다. 갑자기 프랭크 맥코티가 불쌍해지네요.
근대 풀러라는 분....갑부네요....상속을 많이 받아서 어쩜 새로운 구단주 그룹이 될지도...