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Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti was interviewed by Tony Bruno on KLAC-AM (570), and here's some of what was said...

We try to play it pretty close to the vest. I've had numerous conversations with Scott Boras on the Manny topic. We don't publicize every time we talk or bare our souls in public with it, but we've had numerous conversations. I had one just a couple days ago. I had a lengthy one with him a week ago Friday. So we still want to see if we can get Manny back here. It's been a lot of different communication going on, and hopefully we can come to some agreement. What he did here for the last two months of the regular season and the first two or three weeks of October was unprecedented, and we couldn't ask for anything more, so if we get a chance to do something, we'll certainly do it.

Free agency takes time, and Scott has a lot of clients. If you watch how he works, he's very, very sharp at what he does, and he'll lay 'em out one after another and one by one to make the best deal he can for 'em. So we'll see what happens. I've known Scott a very, very long time. I have a lot of respect for him. He knows what he's doing, and he knows how he's playing it out, but hopefully we can come to an agreement and get Manny back in here.

He stays in shape year-round. We've been keeping tabs on him. We stay in touch with him to be sure of what he's doing and if he needs anything from us, and he's been working out a lot in Florida.

At some point in time, it'll work itself out as far as a deadline goes. There's no hard and fast deadline right now. I think it's more of a take it day to day and see if we can make some progress either from their end or our end.

From what he's told us and what he's told others, I think he really enjoyed his experience here. I think if all things are equal, I think he would come back here. Again, I don't know what other teams have got in mind. It's collusive to know, so we don't know. You read a lot, and you got a lot of suspicion and speculation out there, but a lot of times you really don't know what anybody else is thinking.

We're just going to continue to have conversation and hope we can start to compromise on both sides and figure out a way to get him back here. It's been our goal since we first traded for him back on the 31st of July, especially after we saw the performance and we got to know who he is. It remains to be seen how it turns out, but make no mistake. We're going to be in it, and we're going to try and sign him.

That franchise (the Giants) the last couple of years has stumbled a little bit, but they got a lot of pride, and they got a lot of good young talent coming. If you add somebody like that to the middle of their lineup, he changes the lineup much like he did for us.

I'm ready to go (laughs). Of course, we need to get Manny Ramirez first and a couple more pitchers, and I'll be more ready to go than I am right now.

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