Three of the four Dodger minor league affiliates picked up wins on Thursday, with the Lookouts being the only losers. While many top pitching prospects took the mound on this day, it was Matt Magill in LoA who had the pitching performance of the day. While he's isn't a complete unknown (I had him ranked in my top 50 and I know at least one other person had him in their top 30) could he be a potential breakout candidate in 2010? It's obviously too early to know for sure, but he is definitely someone to keep your eye on.
오늘 4개의 다저스산하팀 중에 3개팀이 이겼는데, 딱 질만한 팀은 누구라고 말안하겠지만, 다들 아실듯....
AAA - After watching the Dodgers bullpen struggle over the past few weeks, many True Blue LA fans have been calling for the Dodger to bring up Josh Lindblom to help strengthen the bullpen. Well after another unimpressive start in AAA, I don’t think that will happen any time soon. Josh allowed 9 hits and 5 runs over 5 innings, and now has an ERA of 7.88 after two starts. While it’s still early, I really think the Dodgers should consider putting Lindblom back in the bullpen because I have always thought that is where he belongs. I see him more as a max effort guys for one or two innings rather than a guy who will be able to throw 100+ pitches in a game. But that’s just my opinion. Anyways, despite his poor start, the Dodgers were able to score 13 runs in this game and came away with the victory. The offense was led by the older guys on the club, as John Lindsay, Jay Gibbons, and Prentice Redman combined to go and amazing 12 for 15 with a HR, and triple, and 7 doubles between them! Seriously, these guys are posting just ridiculous stats, especially Lindsay. Russell Mitchell also had a solid game as he went 2 for 4 with a double and 2 RBI’s. It should be noted that Mitchell has been spending the majority of his time this season at 3rd base, which gives him more versatility on the field and bodes well for his future. In addition, Xavier Paul hit his 2nd home run of the young season, so that is a good sign. In other pitching news, Brent Leach probably started looking at some Dodger box scores and realized that if he started pitching well, he might have a chance to make it back up to the show, so he finally had a good outing as he pitched two hitless innings.
린드블럼이 작년과 달리 시즌 초반이지만, 좋지 못한 모습을 또 보여줬습니다. 다수의 팬들과 로건 화이트는 릴리프가 더 적절하다고 하는데, 이런 흐름을 알고 있는지 모르겠습니다.
밑에 글에 썼듯이 오늘 5이닝동안 9피안타 5실점했고, 두번의 선발등판에서 7.88ERA를 기록하게 되었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 오늘 타선이 터지면서 노디시전을 기록하게 되었습니다. 그 외에 여전히 볼질하던 리치(Brent Leach)가 운좋은 구원승을 거뒀습니다. 타자들이 언급되어 있는데, 스킵합니다.
AA - 7 games into the season, and the Lookouts are still looking for their first home run. I find that to be very surprising, especially given the outfield of Lambo, Robinson, and Van Slyke. That being said, each of the aforementioned players had at least two hits on Thursday, so hopefully that means they will all start to come alive and show some power. Of the three, Lambo had the most success with three singles. Dee Gordon continued his hot hitting with two more hits, and stole his 2nd base of the season. As a team, the Lookouts lost their 5th game in a row despite a solid pitching performance by Alberto Bastardo. Matthew Sartor was another bright spot as he provided an inning of scoreless relief with two strikeouts.
시즌 7경기를 치른 체터누가에서는 여전히 홈런친 선수가 없답니다. 본문에서도 말했듯이 나름 좋은 외야진을 구성하고 있음에도 불구하고 아주 서프라이즈한 일이라고 하는군요. 물론 안타는 꼬박꼬박 때려주고 있다기에 긍정적으로 바라보는듯합니다. 람보의 경우는 워낙 기복이 심해서 걱정이네요. 디 고든의 경우 첫 2경기에서 안타가 없었지만, 그 이후로는 꾸준히 작년페이스를 이어가고 있습니다. 알베르토 바스타도(Alberto Bastardo)는 나이가 많아서 빅리그에서 보긴 힘들거 같습니다.
High A - Don't believe everything you read. Despite what the box score says, Kuo did not throw 5 innings for the 66ers on Thursday night. He actually threw one perfect inning, and struck out two. While I haven't been able to confirm this, I'm 99% sure that Ethan Martin relieved him in the 2nd inning, and then went on to allow 3 runs (2 earned) and 3 hits over the next four innings, while striking out 4. The pitcher of the night, however, again proved to be Kenley Jansen, as he pitched two more scoreless innings and picked up 2 strikeouts. If he continues on at this rate, he'll be up in AA in no time. Kyle Russell led the 66ers 13 hit attack with three singles, while Pedro Baez and Austin Gallagher had two hits apiece.
필자가 이 글에서 오늘 박스스코어에 의문점을 제시했네요. 댓글에도 보면 오늘 쿼홍치는 1이닝 2K 12개의 투구수를 기록했다고 하는군요. 그 이후로 마틴이 4이닝동안 3피안타 3실점(2자책) 4K를 기록했다고 하는군요. 그 이후에 켈리 얀센(Kenley Jansen)이 2이닝을 투구하면서 2K를 잡았습니다. 그럼 나머지 한 이닝은 박스 스코어처럼 클레어가 던진건 맞는 걸까요?
타자는 3명의 주목할만한 선수인 카일 러셀(Kyle Russell)과 페드로 바에즈(Pedro Baez), 오스틴 갈라거(Austin Gallagher)가 좋은 모습을 이어가고 있습니다.
제가 언젠가 포스팅하면서 갈라거의 캡쳐사진을 올린적이 있는데, 그때 사진만으로 보면 운동신경자체는 있는듯합니다. truebluela좌측에 나와있는 링크말고 다른 GLL관련 언론에 들어가면 동영상도 볼 수 있는데, 많이 이용하시길 바랍니다. 영상을 퍼올려고 해도 그건 좀 어려워서 퍼오질 못하겠네요. 양해를....
A - As mentioned above, Matt Magill was the story of this game, as he put together his second straight impressive performance. In 5 innings of work, Magill only allowed 3 hits, walked none, and struck out 7. On the season, the kid from Simi Valley now has 9 scoreless innings under his belt, has recorded 12 strikeouts, and has a WHIP of 0.67. Following Magill on the mound was Allen Webster, the 2nd half of the Loons newest tag team. While he only gave up one run and ended up picking up the win, Webster struggled as he allowed 6 hits and 3 walks in just over 3 innings of work, and only struck out one batter. He was replaced in the 9th by Luis Vasquez, who struck out the last two batters of the game with the bases loaded to pick up the save. Offensively, the Loons only had 6 hits, but one of them was the difference in the game as Angelo Songco hit a 2 run HR in the 7th inning, his first of the season. Blake Smith also continued his hot hitting with two more base knocks.
A팀의 얘기는 여기서 할까 싶어서 가장 위쪽에 글을 제대로 해석하지 않았습니다. 오늘 다저스팜에서 맷 메길(Matt Magill)이 가장 빛났으며 시즌 초반 2경기에서도 빛이 나고 있습니다. 다저스팬 그 누구도 메길을 제대로 본 사람이 없나 봅니다. 구속에 관한 얘기가 없어서 정확하게 알 수가 없네요.
타자는 송코와 카바조스-갈베스가 잘하고 있지만, 두 선수 모두 볼넷과 삼진이 거의 없다는 것이 긍정적이지도, 부정적이지도 않아보입니다. 물론 부정적인 느낌이 더 들긴하지만....
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