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Casey Blake Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by 알 수 없는 사용자 2010. 2. 21. 12:07



Blake shaves signature beard

Jackson By Tony Jackson

GLENDALE, Ariz. -- When Casey Blake walked into the Dodgers' spring-training clubhouse for the first time on Saturday morning, there were more than a few double takes. Seems when the veteran third baseman departed from his snowy home back in Iowa, he left something behind.

Blake had sported a full beard and mustache -- he is now clean-shaven -- from the time the Dodgers acquired him from the Cleveland Indians at the 2008 trading deadline. He said he initially grew the full beard in the middle of the 2007 season, which ended with the Indians losing to Boston in the American League Championship Series.

That means the bearded version of Blake has never failed to reach the second round of the playoffs. On the other hand, though, the bearded version of Blake -- or any other version, for that matter -- has never played in the World Series.

"People say I look younger,'' said Blake, who clearly isn't the superstitious type.

 케이시 블레이크가 자신의 트레이드 마크이자 닉네임이기도 했던 턱수염고 코밑수염을 깔금하게 밀어버렸습니다.적어도 3~4살은 젊어 보이기는 한데 진짜 뭔가 확 허전해 보이네요.이런 모습이 오늘 클럽하우스 아침에 도착하면서 처음 보여줬는데 07시즌 중반부터 길어오던거라 한참 됐는데 과감한 결정을 내렸네요.본인도 주변 사람들에게 젊어졌다는 소리를 듣고 있다고 밝혔네요.수염을 짜른 이유가 블레이크가 월드 시리즈 경기를 한번도 못 뛰어본 이유도 포함되어 있기에 그런 점에서도 의미가 있겠네요.


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