[존 시켈스] LA 다저스 유망주 랭킹

존 시켈스가 다저스의 유망주 랭킹을 발표를 했군요. 개인적으로 생각한 것보다는 점수를 잘 주었다고 생각을 합니다. B-이상이 6명이니...하지만 전반적으로 깊이가 없기는 없네요. 이반 디헤수스의 경우 애리조나 폴리그 리포트부터 좀 부정적인 코멘트를 하더니 B등급을 주었군요. 다른 유망주 사이트보다는 조금 짜네요. 솔직히 코맨트를 보면서 느낀 것이지만 존 시켈스가 전혀 경기를 보지 않고 기록지만을 보고 리포트를 올렸군요. 현실과 전혀 맞지 않는 코멘트를 한것을 보면...존 시켈스의 말차럼 로간 화이트가 다시 다저스의 팜을 살려 놓는 날이 멀지 않았으면 좋겠군요. (2005년에 루크 호체바와 계약하지 못하고 2006년에 프래스턴 매팅리, 2007년 지명자중에서 크리스 위드로와 제임스 액킨스가 부진한것이 현재 팜이 좀 허전해 보이는 이유라고 할수 있을것 같습니다.)

1) James McDonald, RHP, Grade B+: Same grade I gave him last year, see no reason to change it given his strong season. Only concern is fly ball tendency.

2) Ethan Martin, RHP, Grade B: Higher ceiling than McDonald but need to see how he adjusts to pro ball. Impressive power arm plus athleticism.

3) Ivan DeJesus, Jr, SS, Grade B: Took a step forward offensively, good glove, just needs to cut down on errors and get more consistent. I think his difficult Arizona Fall League was an aberration.

4) Andrew Lambo, OF, Grade B: Not sure about the glove, but the bat looks quite strong to me. (애리조나 폴리그에서 우익수로 뛸 정도로 외야수 수비가 많이 좋았는데 시켈스는 1루수로 갈것으로 예상을 하고 있군요. 이건 이선수가 처음 드래프트 되었을 당시의 평가만을 본것 같은데...)

5) Josh Lindblom, RHP, Grade B-: Rapid riser from the college ranks, could help in the bullpen quickly. (로간 화이트가 선발로 키운다고 몇번을 말을 했냐?)

6) Devaris Gordon, SS, Grade B-: I am giving him an aggressive grade. He’s raw, but immensely talented. I don’t think he is Preston Mattingly.

7) Ramon Troncoso, RHP, Grade C+: Love the ground ball/power combination. Hope he throws strikes. Hasn’t broken 50 innings yet so still eligible for the book.

8) Scott Elbert, LHP, Grade C+: This might be a notch too low, but command and durability issues are still there.

9) Austin Gallagher, 3B, Grade C+: Sleeper prospect. Needs to tighten strike zone, but I think more power will come.

10) Josh Bell, 3B, Grade C+: Making progress, but reports about weight are disturbing and he might not hit enough for first base.

(다이어트 해서 200파운드로 체중을 낮춘것이 언제인데 아직도 체중이야기를 하는지 모르겠습니다. 마이너리그 닷컴에서 올라오는 리포트도 보지 않는건지..)

11) Xavier Paul, OF, Grade C+: Should be a very solid fourth outfielder.

12) Chris Withrow, RHP, Grade C+: Need to make sure he is healthy. Ceiling is high but so is risk.

13) Justin Miller, RHP, Grade C+: Like the hard sinker, but needs to improve secondary pitches to boost K-rate.

14) Tony Delmonico, 2B, Grade C+: Polished college hitter, making transition from SS to 2B. Needs to reduce errors.

(이번 겨울에 2루수가 아니라 포수로 전향했다. 그리고 올해 유격수가 아니라 2루수로 뛰었는데...경기 기록좀 찾아 보고 쓰지...)

15) Pedro Baez, 3B, Grade C: Excellent power potential and a strong arm, but there is a 43.7% chance (to pull a number out of the air) that he is pitching four years from now. Horrible plate discipline.

16) Jaime Hoffman, OF, Grade C: Another guy like Paul who would make a good reserve OF.

17) Jesus Castillo, RHP, Grade C: Added to the 40-man. Good control, not a dominant type.

18) Kyle Russell, OF, Grade C: Enormous power potential, but strikeouts are scary.

19) Nathan Eovaldi, RHP, Grade C: Possible steal from 2008 draft, high ceiling, needs experience.

20) Javy Guerra, RHP, Grade C: Good arm, fits better in the pen than he did as a starter.


Others: James Adkins, LHP; Geison Aguasviva, LHP; Danny Danielson, RHP; Victor Garate, LHP; Thomas Giles, OF; Steve Johnson, RHP; Paul Koss, RHP; Lucas May, C; Justin Orenduff, RHP; Jaime Pedroza, 2B-SS; Jordan Pratt, RHP; Jon Michael Redding, RHP (a sleeper), Travis Schlicting, RHP; Cole St. Clair, LHP; Josh Wall, RHP.


    The Dodgers system has thinned out a lot, and actually looks a bit weak right now, though I trust Logan White and his people to recharge quickly.

Ethan Martin has the most impact ability, but given the attrition rate for young pitchers, I want to see how he adjusts to pro ball. McDonald’s ceiling is not as high, but I can’t in good conscience lower his grade from last year. I think he will be a solid pitcher as long as he doesn’t get traded to Colorado or Texas. I like DeJesus and it looks like Lambo can hit, though his glove doesn’t get good reviews and he might have to move to first base, reducing the value of his bat.

I’m giving Gordon an aggressive B-,which I guess may surprise some people used to more conservative ratings from me. There are quite a few arms here who have bullpen potential…Troncoso and Elbert close to the Show, plus several others further away.

Some of the Grade C guys at the lower levels have the potential to get higher grades once they prove themselves more fully, and this system could look much deeper a year from now.
