He says his checking account balance was as low as $167,000 recently. The claims raise new questions about the Dodgers' ability to attract and retain players.
In the latest filing in his contentious divorce, Frank McCourt said his personal account was low on cash, raising new questions about the team's ability to sign top players and retain the core of the National League West champions.
아주 배째라는 기사가 올라왔습니다.
다저스의 구단주인 플랭크 맥코티(Frank McCourt)가 자신의 개인통장에는 16만 7천불밖에 없다고 하네요. 이로써 다저스는 이번 오프시즌에 새로운 선수 영입이나 8명이나 되는 연봉중재자에 대한 연봉을 제대로 지급할 수 있는지에 대한 의문이 제기되고 있다고 하네요.
Responding to his estranged wife Jamie's request for monthly financial support, McCourt said his checking account had fallen as low as $167,000 in recent weeks, before he received $1 million from a quarterly distribution. In a separate filing, Jeffrey Ingram, chief operating officer of the McCourt Group, said McCourt's annual income from the team is capped at $5 million under a credit agreement with Bank of America.
Bert Fields, an attorney for Jamie McCourt, said Frank McCourt's claims raise the question of whether he can continue to field a team with a $100-million payroll.
"If it were true that he really doesn't have the resources to pay anything, then you'd have serious concern about his ability to run a baseball team," Fields said.
이에 대해 제이미 맥코티의 변호사는 맥코티가 돈이 없다는 소리는 과연 한팀의 구단주로써 팀을 제대로 꾸릴지 심각하게 생각해봐야할 문제라고 하네요.
"If Mr. McCourt meant what he said, how is he going to pay all these guys?"
Frank McCourt claims sole ownership of the team. His attorney, Marshall Grossman, said player payroll would not be a problem.
"The players play for the Dodgers and get paid by the Dodgers," Grossman said. "Frank doesn't meet the payroll out of his own bank account any more than any other shareholder of any other company does."
With fans concerned despite repeated assurances of "business as usual," the Dodgers plan to make what Grossman called "very positive announcements . . . in the near future."
이에 대해 프랭크 맥코티의 변호사는 단지 맥코티 개인통장에 돈이 없을뿐 다저스선수들에게 지급되는 연봉에는 하등관계가 없다고 말했습니다.
즉, 맥코티가 선수들의 연봉을 주는게 아니라 다저스가 선수들의 연봉을 준다는건데, 과연 이말을 곧이곧대로 믿는 사람이 몇이나 될까요? 다저스 주식의 절반이상이 맥코티소유인걸로 알고 있는데...
Grossman declined to say Wednesday whether those announcements would involve player acquisitions.
일단 맥코티의 변호사는 가까운 시일내에 긍정적인 성명서를 낼거라고 하는데, 이게 선수를 추가로 영입할 건지에 대해서는 노코맨트했다고 합니다. 자신의 소관이 아니니 당연히 노코맨트했겠죠.
Jamie McCourt, in her court papers, cited Frank McCourt's net worth at $835 million. She has asked the court to order spousal support of $488,000 a month and reinstatement of such ownership perks as travel by private jet, country club memberships and access to team doctors.
In his court response, Frank McCourt said he gets "the same health insurance" and benefits as other team employees and said his only perk is "payment of certain minor expenses relating to [my] automobile."
부인은 법정에서 맥코티의 재산은 835M이라고 했다네요. 해서 월 48만 8천불의 생활비(?)를 달라고 했다네요. 아이가 아직 대학생이니 돈들어갈께 남았나봅니다.
He cited Jamie McCourt's liquid assets at $3.5 million and said she ought to make $231,000 in overdue payments on four properties so as not to harm his credit; she owns the homes but he co-signed for the loans.
이에 대해 남편은 부인의 유동자산은 3.5M이며 4개의 부동산(LA지역에 4개의 고가 주택을 소유하고 있다고 하네요)에 대해 23만 1천불의 미지급액이 있다고 합니다. 물론 4개의 집에 대한 소유주는 부인이지만 대출할땐 같이 서명했다고 합니다.
"He's not the first guy to try to get out of supporting his wife by crying poor," Fields said.
Frank McCourt's lawyers also asked the court to set a trial date no later than Feb. 8 to resolve the issue of who owns the team. They estimated such a trial would take 10 days and would allow for a decision "before the commencement of the 2010 baseball season."
Jamie McCourt's lawyers countered that the trial need not be rushed to conform to the baseball schedule, citing repeated comments from Frank McCourt's lawyers that the divorce proceedings are not detracting from the Dodgers' day-to-day operations.
여전히 맥코티는 자신의 이혼문제는 다저스의 문제와는 관련이 없을 것이라고 주장하고 있는데, 제발 마크 큐반에게 전화했으면 좋겠습니다. 큐반은 돈을 쓰고 싶어 안달이 났을거 같은데....
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