A day after Red Sox owner John Henry strongly suggested that he’d hit his limit with his latest bid for free-agent star first baseman Mark Teixeira, Teixiera’s agent Scott Boras was back in dialogue with the Yankees and Angels, people familiar with the talks told SI.com.( 보스턴 오너 존 핸리가 그의 가장 최근의 티렉에 대한 오퍼는 그가 티렉에 대해 내놓을 수 있는 최대치라고 강하게 제안하고 나선 상태에서 그의 에이전트 스캇 보라스는 양키스, 엔젤스 관계자들과의 대화로 돌아왔다고 측근이 si.com에 말했다)
Boras was believed to be looking for offers of at least $180-million, or perhaps more, from at least a couple of the other interested teams after talks with Boston stalled. It’s believed the Red Sox were bidding close to $180 million before Henry publicly suggested that he was done bidding. While Henry and the Red Sox have not pulled their offer and are said by those in the know to remain in contention, the other contenders are getting another chance now to move to the top of the pack.(보라스는 최소 1억 8천만불,혹은 아마도 그 이상의 오퍼를 바라고 있는것으로 생각된다. 보라스와 보스턴의 협상이 교착상태에 빠진 후 최소 2개팀 이상이 그에게 흥미를 보였고 존 핸리는 1억 8천만불에 가까운 금액을 최종적으로 오퍼했다. 핸리와 레드삭스는 오퍼를 철회하지 않았고 그들은 여전히 경쟁에 남아있다, 다른 경쟁팀들은 티렉 영입전의 선두가 될 수 있는 또 다른 기회를 잡았다)
Yankees people were thought on Friday to be debating the merits of Teixeira vs. Manny Ramirez, Boras’ other available slugging superstar, and there may be a split vote in the pinstripe hierarchy. While they all love Teixiera’s all-around play and character, Ramirez may be favored by some for his unmatched clutch hitting prowess, unique ability to tweak the rival Red Sox and to draw attention and dollars, but especially because he’d require a shorter term (perhaps three or four years as opposed to at least eight for Teixeira).
Some have suggested the Yankees are merely monitoring since he’s Boston’s top priority, and there’s no concrete evidence they’ve outbid the Red Sox yet. Although, the sides were believed to be discussing parameters on Friday, and the Yankees also know that if they steal Teixeira from Boston they’ve clinched the winter in a landslide.
Meanwhile, there are signs that the Angels, who were thought to be trailing Boston a few days ago with a bid in the area of $165 million, might be readying for a move now. Some Angels baseball people figured that $160-to-170 million might be owner Arte Moreno’s limit, but that doesn’t look at all clear now.
Angels star outfielder Torii Hunter, in fact, seemed to suggest the opposite in a late Thursday email to the Los Angeles Times, writing, "What the Angels did was spectacular. They gave him an offer that blew everyone away, and it shows how badly they want this guy. I’m so happy they did that. I can sleep better at night. We can’t let Tex go. He’s very special on this team."
The Angels also made a cost-effective move by signing Juan Rivera to the outfield for $12.75 million, leaving a lot of dollars available. Rivera gives them another corner outfielder and may limit their likelihood to bid on Ramirez. But it does nothing to hinder their goal of retaining Teixeira, who hit .358 for them with a .449 on-base percentage after coming over in trade from Atlanta.
A frustrated Henry suggested Boras implied to him that there were other offers above theirs, and while the teams’ bids remain secret, it is clear that Boras and Teixeira were comfortable enough to let Henry go back alone to Boston after their high-powered meeting at Teixeira’s Dallas-area home.
With up to five teams still seemingly in the running – including also Teixeira’s twin hometown teams, the Nationals and Orioles – it’s no certainty now that Teixeira will sign a deal before Christmas, as he had hoped.
보스턴 오너 존 핸리가 어제 '이게 내가 할 수 있는 맥시멈 비드'라며 내놓은 액수는 8년 1억8천만불에 가까운 금액으로 알려져 있습니다. 보스턴이 아직 그들의 오퍼를 철회하지 않고
'이게 최후오퍼다'라고 이야기만 한 상황이지만.... 어째 티렉의 행선지가 양키가 될 확률이
꽤 높아 보입니다. 솔직히 삭스 입장에서는 유킬리스의 생산력 만으로도 충분한 화력을 가진
다고 하지만 양키 주전 1루수 닉 스위셔 OR WHO?? 이건 좀 아니다 싶죠. 양키가 티렉을
데려 간다면 이미 불게와 헌터, 거기에 후안 리베라 장기계약까지 맺은 모레노, 특히 1억 7
천만이 티렉에게 비드할 수 있는 최고 한계점으로 보이는 모레노기에 티렉 잡기는 어
렵다고 보면, 후안 리베라가 있는 상황에서도 매니에게 대형 계약으로 접근하겠느냐는 두고
봐야 할 문제고, 티렉 계약도 해를 넘길 것 같다는군요. 매니야 그냥 미련없이 다저 와라 ㅋㅋㅋ
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