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It marked Ramirez's first career home run against the Rockies, and he now has homered against all 30 active teams.
Ramirez became the 11th active player to have homered against all 30 clubs, joining Adrian Beltre, Russell Branyan, Mike Cameron, Tony Clark, Brian Giles, Troy Glaus, Jose Guillen, Gary Sheffield, Alfonso Soriano and Dmitri Young according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
오늘 멀티 홈런을 기록한 매니가 드디어 전구단을 상대로 홈런을 기록한 현역 11번째 선수가 되었습니다.
엘리어스 스포츠뷰에 따르면 나머지 10명의 선수는 위와 같습니다.
Ramirez didn't wait long for his curtain call, homering in his second at-bat in the third inning to tie Honus Wagner for 19th all-time in RBIs with 1,732. It was his 54th multi-home run game to tie him with Frank Robinson for ninth on the all-time Major League list.
매니는 또한 오늘 경기로써 올타임 타점 랭킹 19위에 있었던 호너스 와그너(Honus Wagner)와 타이를 이루었습니다.
매니보다 상위에 랭크되어있는 현역선수로는 그리피(1774 RBIs)가 유일하며, 그리피도 올시즌 건강을 꾸준히 유지한다면 80타점도 가능해보입니다.
오늘 멀티홈런으로 매니의 통산 멀티홈런은 54번째라고 합니다. 역시 그보다 앞선 현역선수는 그리피의 55개입니다.
Hiroki Kuroda did fine playing catch this morning, about 30 throws. He told some Japanese reporters he hopes to throw off a mound tomorrow, but I haven't confirmed that with Stan Conte yet.
구로다가 오늘 30개 가량의 캐취를 했는데 괜찮았다고 합니다. 일본 언론과의 인터뷰에서 내일도 던지길 바라지만, 아직 콘티 트레이너의 허락이 떨어지지 않았다고 합니다.

It's a recurrence of the same shoulder issue he dealt with last season and in spring training, nothing major. He says it went away completely for a while, but it flared up again after his most recent outing last Saturday night at Arizona, and it has been so crazy this week that no one seemed to have noticed that he hadn't pitched since then. Cory said it just kept getting worse after that, but that he is optimistic that a little rest will be sufficient to get rid of the issue. The move is backdated to Sunday, which means he is eligible to return on April 27 and stands a good chance of doing so. He'll go to Camelback Ranch on Monday, when the team leaves for Houston, and pitch in a couple of extended spring training games there to get himself right.
``We can't be one man short in the bullpen,'' Wade said. ``Those guys have been working hard down there. We're just doing what is best for the team.''
Scott Elbert had made two starts at Double-A Chattanooga totaling eight innings, so it would seem logical that he'll go to the pen for the big club, which now has three lefties down there. Remember in spring training when everyone was fretting over the fact that they only had one? Elbert gave up four runs (three earned) on seven hits with four walks and nine strikeouts and held opposing hitters to a .226 average for the Lookouts.
결국 웨이드가 DL로 갔습니다. 지난 애리조나 원정이후에 던지질 않았기때문에 DL로 간다해도 비교적 빠른 4월 27일날 온다고 합니다. 일단 월요일이 MRI를 찍는다고 하니..좋은 소식만 있길 바랄뿐입니다.
그를 대신하여 더블 A에서 선발수업을 받고 있는 스캇 엘버트(Scott Elbert)가 콜업되었습니다. 선발수업중이긴하지만 여전히 컨트롤에 문제점을 드러내고 있습니다. 볼넷이 많더군요.
Talked to him briefly this morning. He said there is nothing wrong physically, but that he might be having some mechanical problems that he doesn't have time to do anything about when is on the mound on in a tight situation, as he usually is. He did say he is struggling with his confidence, though.
오늘 토니 잭슨씨가 쿼홍치와 약간의 대화를 했는데, 그는 육체적으로는 아무런 문제가 없고 단지 자신감의 문제라고 합니다. 토레도 이에 동의를 했으며, 아마도 타이트한 8회상황에서 계속 내보내다보니 자심감의 상실이라고 하네요. 약간 프리한 상황에서 등판시켜 자신감을 찾을 필요가 있어보입니다.

Cory Wade will have an MRI on Monday just to be safe before he goes to Arizona. And we asked Joe why Elbert was the move given that they could have moved Mkz to the 60-day DL and called up Jeff Weaver. Joe didn't really answer except to say that there isn't a 40-man roster spot open RIGHT NOW and that as such, Elbert was the easist move. But he did concede that Mkz probably will be moved to the 60-day soon.
조금은 중첩되지 않나 싶은데....어제 DL로 간 민케비치가 곧 60일자 DL로 갈 가능성이 있어보이니다. 아니, 거의 확실하다고 봐야겠죠. 최소한 3달이고 하니...
일단 그를 대신하여 마이너에서 스윙맨역할을 하고있는 제프 위버(Jeff Weaver)가 콜업(계약을 사들이는)될 가능성이 높아보입니다.

Assistant GM Logan White, the Dodgers scouting director who drafted (second round) and signed Tiffany in 2003 -- the team had taken Chad Billingsley in the first round -- signed Tiffany again this week, this time to a minor-league contract. The Tampa Bay Rays had given up on the left-hander after he had trouble coming back from rotator-cuff surgery, releasing him about three weeks ago. But Logan saw him throw and deemed him at least healthy enough to take another chance on. Tiffany has been assigned to extended spring training for now, where he will try to pitch his way onto the roster of one of the Dodgers' affiliates. You may recall he was traded to Tampa Bay on Jan .14, 2006, along with pitching prospect Edwin Jackson, for relievers Danys Baez and Lance Carter. Jackson was a big part of the Rays' run to the A.L. pennant last year before being traded to Detroit in December. Baez is back in the majors with Baltimore after missing all of last year. And Carter hasn't pitched in the majors since the Dodgers released him after that season.
03시즌 다저스의 2라운드 픽인 척 타파니(Chuck Tiffany)가 돌아왔습니다. 악몽과도 같았던 06년도에 템파와의 트레이드로 건나간 이후 3주전에 방출되었다고 합니다.
부단장 로건 화이트(Logan White)씨가 그를 관찰해 본 결과 몸에 이상이 없고 다시 리바운딩 할 수있을거라고 합니다.
화이트가 콩 심은데 팥 난다고해도 전 믿습니다-0-
The Dodgers have scored 59 runs over their last eight games.
단문이지만 기본좋은 문장이네요.
일단은 스케줄상 현지시간으로 24일부터 콜로라도에서 다저스가 리매치를 하는데 첫 경기의 선발은 오늘 던진 투수들입니다.
빌링슬리가 쿠어스에서는 비교적 안좋은 모습을 보여서....
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