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알렉스 산타나.....델비스 모랄레스....

LA Dodgers/Dodgers Prospects

by 알 수 없는 사용자 2011. 9. 20. 08:37



BA에 올라온 알렉스 산타나의 스카우팅 리포트를 붙입니다. 뭐....쉬운 영어로 작성이 되었는지....아니면 별로 쓸말이 없었는지...보기 편합니다.

The son of former major league shortstop Rafael Santana went to the Dodgers in the second round of the 2011 draft. In high school, Alex played the same position as his father. With obvious signs that already was outgrowing the position, he moved to third base as soon as he turned pro. He was the best prospect on the league-champion AZL Dodgers.

Despite his big league bloodlines, Santana is very raw. He struggled at the plate in his first year, hitting .238/.298/.339 while striking out in nearly a third of his plate appearances. He has good bat speed but needs to improve his pitch selection and approach. 

His defense is ahead of his offense right now. He has good actions and a strong arm, not to mention a solid work ethic. Though Santana didn't tear up the league, AZL Dodgers manager Jody Reed sees him as a potential five-tool player.

"It wouldn't surprise me," Reed said, "because he has deceptive speed, good arm, good hands, swings the bat. He's going to hit for power. It's going to be very exciting watching this young man develop."

이번 가을 교육리그에서 구단의 집중 관리를 받게 되지 않을까 싶습니다. 1993년생인만큼 기본부터 발전할 시간을 좀 주었으면 좋겠네요. 그리고 채팅에 거론된 다저스 유망주는 한명 뿐입니다.  

Brandon (Pasadena): The Arizona Dodgers won the league championship, but only had 1 player in the top 20. Anyone else on the team get any consideration?

Bill Mitchell: The only other Dodger player to get any consideration was shortstop Delvis Morales. He slightly resembles Dee Gordon when he's out on field, but without Gordon's plus speed. But like Gordon, he needs to get stronger. He's very athletic and improved his defense significantly this year. The question with Morales is whether he will hit as he moves through the system.

뭐...팜에 유격수 유망주가 거의 없는 만큼 뭐..혹시 모르죠.ㅋ


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