다저스 루머


사용자 삽입 이미지

The Dodgers are now turning their attention to free-agent starting pitchers, and having been burned in the past, they are gravitating toward arms with established track records.

Jon Garland and Randy Johnson have built reputations on eating up innings, and the team is even more familiar with Randy Wolf, who won nine games for the Dodgers by the 2007 All-Star break before hurting his shoulder.

Wolf, 32, went 12-12 with a 4.30 ERA in 190 1/3 innings for the Padres and Astros after the Dodgers declined his $9 million option for 2008 when shoulder surgery derailed his previous season. The left-hander from West Hills is interested in coming home again.

"The Dodgers have not made an offer," Wolf said in an e-mail. "If the Dodgers want to come forward, I would be open to the possibility."

Wolf is represented by Arn Tellem, who is one of the agents the Dodgers negotiated a new contract with for shortstop Rafael Furcal.
일단 이 글의 제목은 "Wolf interested in returning to Dodgers." 입니다. 글을 다 읽고서 제목을 보니 설레발이 우리나라 언론과 같다는 생각이 나더군요.
딱 이 한마디 했는데도 말이죠. possibility

하지만 오늘 로젠탈씨의 루머에 따르면 울프는 3년에 30M을 원한다고 하더군요.
휴스턴이 연봉중재신청을 하기전에 22M에서 24M사이의 오퍼를 했다고 하더군요.
계약년수는 알려지지 않았지만 아무래도 상황상 3년오퍼가 아닐까 싶습니다.
거기에 덧붙여 다저스는 여전히 울프에게 관심은 있지만, 겁을 먹고(gun-shy) 있다고 하네요.
제이슨 슈밋의 후유증이 생각보다 심각한가 봅니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Johnson is the other power left-hander the Dodgers have interest in. Agent Alan Nero said the 45-year-old who prefers to pitch on the West Coast and stay in Arizona for spring training already has "a few offers" on the table. The Dodgers have yet to offer the 295-game winner, but that could soon change.

"We expect they might," Nero said. "The next 48 hours will be telling."
존슨은 일단 SF와 협상하는걸로 아는데...
마지막 말이 의미심장(?)하네요.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Also undecided on a destination and awaiting a possible offer from the Dodgers is the Garland, who declined the Angels' offer of arbitration to seek a multi-year contract. The right-hander is made attractive by pitching at least 190 innings for the past seven seasons.

"We're talking to a few teams," agent Craig Landis said. "The interest has picked up after the Winter Meetings and after (CC) Sabathia and (A.J.) Burnett signed."
일단 갈랜다는 처음에 연봉중재를 거절한 후에도 지속적으로 엔젤스와 협상루머가 돌더니 요즘은 볼티모어와 메츠에게 관심의 대상이 되고 있군요.
일단 내구성은 인정받은 상태이고 제가 좋아하는 workhorse타입이라서 마음에 듭니다.
2년계약을 원한다니 2+1계약에 그 1은 퍼포먼스 계약을 해주면 좋겠군요.


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