
사용자 삽입 이미지

The Dodgers knew Jason Schmidt had a rotator cuff injury when they signed him to a contract worth a guaranteed $47 million, the club acknowledged in a court filing this week.

The Dodgers filed suit against the company that insured Schmidt's contract, alleging failure to pay $9.27 million in claims. In the suit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, the Dodgers argue the torn labrum that required surgery and limited Schmidt to six games over two years was unrelated to the rotator cuff injury and thus covered by insurance.

Dodgers spokesman Josh Rawitch said Tuesday the team could not comment on a pending legal matter.

The insurer, ACE American Insurance Company, issued the policy Feb. 24, 2007, two months after the Dodgers signed Schmidt.

"At the time the Dodgers entered into the policy with ACE," the suit reads, "both the Dodgers and ACE were aware that Mr. Schmidt had for some time during his career with the San Francisco Giants been suffering from a partial tear of the rotator cuff in his right [pitching] shoulder."

Schmidt pitched 213 innings in 2006, his final season in San Francisco, with a 3.59 earned-run average. However, according to STATS LLC, his percentage of fastballs below 90 mph that season jumped from below 10% in each of the first five months of the season to 24% in September.

"Before we sign anybody, they're run through a pretty strong physical," Dodgers General Manager Colletti said then. "If there was a red flag on any player, we wouldn't pursue him."

It is believed the Schmidt physical included an MRI examination that confirmed the rotator cuff injury. In the suit, the Dodgers claim such injuries are not uncommon and said they awarded him the contract based on his success with the Giants.

"Major league pitchers often experience such partial rotator cuff tears but nevertheless remain competitive and effective," the suit reads, "as Mr. Schmidt had demonstrated himself to be during the 2006 season immediately prior to joining the Dodgers.

"The Dodgers therefore did not find Mr. Schmidt's preexisting rotator cuff condition to exclude him from consideration as a team member."

Schmidt has not pitched since June 16, 2007. Colletti said Tuesday he was not expecting Schmidt to pitch in 2009, the final year of the contract.

"We're not counting on it," Colletti said. "If it happens, it's great."

좀 쇼킹한 뉴스군요. 다저스가 이미 슈밋과 계약하기 전에 그의 부상을 알고 있었답니다.

다저스가 슈밋의 계약을 보증한 회사를 고소했다고 하는데...이게 보험회사가 아니라 슈밋의 피치컬 테스트를 담당했던 회사같은데...똑바로 읽은건지 모르겠네요.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Third baseman Casey Blake finalized a $17.5-million contract that will pay him $5 million in 2009, $6 million in 2010 and $5.25 million in 2011. The deal includes a $6-million club option for 2012, with a $1.25-million buyout, plus $1.5 million in incentive bonuses.
블레이크와의 계약이 통과되고 선수연봉을 나열해놓은 사이트에도 블레이크의 이름이 있네요.
계약 내용은 이미 포스팅해주셨으니 넘어가고, 매 해 525 & 550 & 575 & 600 타석에서 0.125M의 퍼포먼스 보너스가 붙는다고 하네요.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Utility infielder Mark Loretta passed his physical Tuesday; the Dodgers are expected to announce his signing today.
로레타의 신체검사가 통과되고 한국시간으로 내일 아침에 일어나면 계약되어 있겠군요.

슈밋사건 때문에 갑자기 찝찝해지는군요.
