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베리사리오 사건

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by akira8190 2010. 3. 29. 13:58


사용자 삽입 이미지
In his first interview since arriving five weeks late to spring training because of visa problems in his native Venezuela, Los Angeles Dodgers reliever Ronald Belisario took little responsibility for his extended absence and denied he missed appointments at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.

"I never missed an appointment," he said. "They gave me appointments to go to after they said they were denying my visa. They told me to take exams and things, and I kept going twice a week. They just said they were denying my visa because of the DUI."
스프링 캠프에 많이 늦은 베리사리오가 공식적인 입장을 나타냈습니다. 전에 보도된 내용과는 달리 자신은 비자국에 일주일에 2번이나 찾아간적도 있었으며 결코 약속을 어긴적이 없었다고 합니다. 그리고 비자국은 자신의 음주운전때문에 비자가 취소되었다고 말했다는군요.

Belisario was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence last summer in Pasadena, and when he went home to Venezuela for the winter the matter still was unresolved. The charge recently was plea-bargained down to reckless driving, a non-alcohol related charge, and Belisario was fined $1,000. Belisario said he left the matter to his attorney and he was unaware of its resolution.
작년 여름에 LA인근의 Pasadena에서 음주운전하다가 적발되었는데, 당시에 보석금을 내고 풀려나면서 일이 해결된것으로 봤는데, 자신의 변호사가 일처리를 제대로 하지 못한듯합니다.

Belisario also claimed ignorance when asked about the fact the Dodgers had placed him on the restricted list Friday, meaning the club could avoid paying him for up to 30 days from the time of that move -- or roughly three weeks, given that major league players aren't paid until Opening Day.

Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti, who announced the move Saturday, had a chance meeting with Belisario in a Camelback Ranch parking lot when the pitcher finally arrived later that day, but the two weren't scheduled for a formal discussion until Sunday.

"They didn't tell me anything about it," Belisario said. "I have to talk to them first. I read some things in the news, and my agent told me they felt upset because I didn't get here. I saw Ned, and he told me we would talk today."

Belisario has no chance of being on the Opening Day roster because he has missed so much of spring training, but said he would only need a week to be ready for the season. He said he had been throwing regularly off a mound in Venezuela while working out with friends -- although he said he hadn't pitched to hitters for about a month.

"I have been practicing over there, and I feel pretty good," he said. "I was going crazy over there because they weren't giving me a visa. But I just kept practicing to get ready."
일단 토레가 오프닝 데이 로스터에 포함될 가능성이 없다고 했지만, 고국에서 친구들과 꾸준히 피칭을 했었다고 합니다. 물론 타자를 세워놓고 피칭을 한것은 아니지만, 스스로 괜찮은 피칭을 했었다고 하네요. 그리고 비자가 발급되지 않아 미쳐버릴거 같았지만, 꾹 참고 연습만 했었다고 합니다.

Belisario also said his early exit from his winter ball team in Venezuela, La Guaira -- a Venezuelan media report said he left the team without explanation -- was at the request of the Dodgers.

"I stopped pitching after the fourth game of the playoffs," he said. "I talked to the team, and the Dodgers told me [to do that]."

Colletti confirmed that but said the Dodgers made the request only after Belisario failed to appear for a handful of games without explanation. That resulted in his regular pitching schedule, which was prescribed by the Dodgers, being thrown off track.

"He was missing a game here and a game there, sporadically," Colletti said. "Because of his schedule, we decided it was better for him just to shut it down."
그리고 윈터리그에서 갑자기 시즌을 포기한 것은 다저스 구단측의 사주가 있었다고 하네요.

Dodgers manager Joe Torre said pitching coach Rick Honeycutt will put Belisario on the same program pitchers routinely are on when they initially report to camp in February. That means throwing off a mound every other day for a few days before facing hitters.

When the Dodgers break camp later this week, Belisario will stay behind in extended spring training, at least while he is on the restricted list. The Dodgers must either activate him or waive him by April 25.

Belisario also was late to spring training because of visa issues last year. He said this time, he started the process on Dec. 23 and the official reason he was given for the initial denial of the visa was the unresolved DUI charge. He then said that in order to obtain a visa with that charge still pending, he had to undergo several tests, including psychological tests and drug tests, that he hadn't been subjected to in previous years.

Belisario's agent, Paul Kinzer, acknowledged that his client was at fault, saying Belisario missed appointments at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas. That further compounded legal issues faced by the pitcher, who last year was charged with driving under the influence and recently pleaded to a lesser charge.
한편 베리사리오의 에이전트인 폴 킨져(Paul Kinzer)는 베리사리오가 미비자국과의 인터뷰에 나타나지 않았다고 말하면서 자신의 고객에게 잘못이 있다고 말했다는 군요. 이거 진실게임으로 치닫을 우려가 있어보이네요. 댓글에는 베리사리오가 킨져를 해고할 것이라는 얘기도 나오고 있는데, 이상하게 사건이 퍼지고 있네요.

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