"It was a great learning experience. I've had some success early on, and just the second half I tweaked my hamstring and had that little nagging problem. Sitting out a couple starts, I wasn't really doing a whole lot because you can't really get up and run a whole lot. You're pretty much sitting around for days (on) end. You just kind of get out of a routine. I don't know if that was the case or I wasn't sticking with my routine and getting out there on the mound every fifth day or making sure I get my bullpens in. It was a different experience for me, and I learned a lot from it, and it’s just going to make me that much better down the road.
"Anything that happens with your legs, when I had my hamstring problem, I was maybe probably didn't know it, but maybe shortening my stride so it might have thrown off some timing. Mechanics is a really complicated thing, but it could have been different things. It could have been I was thinking too much, trying to do too much, overcorrecting things, and it would kind of get in my own head.
"I just want to improve on all aspects of the game, as far as managing the game in situations and whatever it may be. I always want to get better because there’s always someone behind you wanting to take your job and replace you."
요약하면 햄스트링에 문제가 오면서 러닝에 소홀했고, (투구)메카닉이 엉켜버린대다가 선발에서 잠시 탈락했음에도 불구하고 자신의 상황을 자각하지 못했다고 합니다. 슬럼프상황에서 너무 많은 것을 시도하려했는게 오히려 좋지 못했다(역효과가 났다는 소리같군요)고 합니다. 좀 고집을 부렸다는 식으로 얘기를 하네요. 일단 좋은 경험이 되었기를 바랄 뿐입니다.
On the Dodgers declaring he would not be traded for Roy Halladay :
"It’s just great that I have the organization feel that way about you as a player. It gives me a lot of confidence."
할러데이 딜에 자신의 이름이 거론되었지만, 콜레티가 빌링슬리는 안된다고 했는게 좋았다고 합니다.
사실 상황으로 따지면 양측모두 빌링슬리를 원하지 않았는데, 루머쟁이들이 호들갑을 떨었던게 아닐까 싶습니다. 이미 몇 번 말했지만, 작년 시즌 후 빌링슬리는 더 이상 50만달러짜리 선수가 아니기때문에 토론토가 그를 받을 가능성이 실질적으로 떨어지죠.
콜레티(or 다저스)입장에서도 등급을 후자로 생각하더라도, 선발투수를 데려오기 위해 선발투수를 트레이드해봤자 이득도 손해도 아닌 평행선이라는 인식을 했기때문에 그런 발언을 한거 같습니다.
이유야 어찌되었건 그 점은 지금 생각해도 콜레티가 잘했다는 생각이 듭니다. 그리고 그런 발언하나로 선수가 얼마나 자신감이 생기고 다저스라는 클럽에 충성심을 고취시키는지 올시즌 우리가 똑똑히 증인이 되어줘야겠습니다.
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