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LA Dodgers/Dodgers Rumor

by 알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 12. 22. 13:53



Manny Ramirez is confident that the Yankees will offer him a three-year contract, writes Mark Feinsand. Within this story, there is word that Manny is still looking for a four-year deal for $100 million. Good luck with that.  Talked to a GM within the last couple of days who said that part of the evaluation on Ramirez is the question of how effective he'll be if you give him a contract that he perceives to be significantly below what he thinks he deserves. "With other guys, if they're not completely satisfied, you're not worried about it because they'll just go out and play," said the GM. "With Manny, you're not sure." In other words, if you offer Ramirez a three-year, $50 million deal and circumstances force him to take it, the question will linger: Will he be emotionally invested "if he thinks you stuck it to him," said the GM. 

ESPN 비스터 온니의 기사군요. 이텔릭체로 된 원문을 그대로 복사했더니....gg

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