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GLL와 연장계약

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by akira8190 2010. 8. 8. 10:19


Great Lakes Loons general manager Paul Barbeau announced Saturday that the Loons had signed a contract extending the partnership between Great Lakes and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

The two-year deal between the two organizations was set to expire after the 2010 season, giving both teams the opportunity to seek other baseball partners.

Instead, the Dodgers and Loons went beyond the standard two-year contract and signed for the maximum four years.
GLL과 다저스가 올해 만기되는 두 팀의 파트너십에 대해 연장계약을 체결했다고 합니다.

"Our goal was always a stable working relationship," Barbeau said. "It's been a great relationship, and that includes a lot of things, winning being one of them but not necessarily the only one.

"Winning will ebb and flow, but as long as the Dodgers are doing everything they can do to provide a competitive team, we're happy with that."

After two losing seasons to begin the relationship, the Loons and Dodgers signed another two-year contract at the end of the 2008 season. The Loons made the playoffs for the first time in 2009 and went into Saturday's game with the best record in baseball (73-36) in 2010.

"From a developmental standpoint, you want to know where you're going to be," Dodgers assistant general manager of player development DeJon Watson said. "The players know what to expect year to year. We know what to expect.

"You want to put the players in the best possible position, and they can get that here. They get great fan support, the host families are in place and are familiar with the process and the facilities are some of the best.

"It's a good situation for our players, and we wanted to maintain that."
개인적으로 다저스가 베네주엘라 서머리그나 숏시즌 싱글 A팀 중 하나를 더 만들었으면 좋겠다는 생각을 줄곧 하고 있네요.

숏시즌 싱글 A의 경우 뉴욕펜리그와 노스웨스트 리그가 있는데, 지리적으로 노스웨스트 리그가 적당할거 같네요. 그럼 루키+리그인 파이오니아 리그와도 멀리 떨어져있는것도 아니니 말죠.

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