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[존 시켈스] 피츠버그 파이어리츠의 유망주 TOP 20

MiLB/MLB Prospects

by Dodgers 2012. 11. 25. 12:38



피츠버그 파이어리츠의 유망주 랭킹이 올라왔습니다. 게릿 콜이 1위에 A등급을 받았는데 BA보다는 존 시켈스는 긍정적으로 평가를 한 모양입니다. 돈을 투자한 만큼 11명의 선수가 B-이상의 등급을 받았는데 계약 당시에 받았던 평가를 고려하면 생각보다 성장을 못하고 있는 것이 아닌가 하는 생각이 드는군요. 

1) Gerrit Cole, RHP, Grade A: The results don't always match the stuff. But the stuff is undeniable, he throws strikes, and ultimately I think any consistency issues are resolvable. Future number one/two starter.

2) Jameson Taillon, RHP, Grade A-: He's basically in the same place Cole was entering his junior year in college. Tremendous stuff, had some consistency issues in High-A but finished strong in Double-A. Future number one/two starter.

3) Alen Hanson, SS, Grade B+: Looks like a completely legitimate Low-A breakout to me, despite some rough edges on defense and baserunning. I have him slightly ahead of Polanco due to positional premium and birthday.

4) Gregory Polanco, OF, Grade B+: As with West Virginia teammate Hanson, this looks like a legitimate breakout, tools player who found the skills to make those tools play. More evidence that you don't have to spend a grazillion dollars to find talent in Latin America.

5) Luis Heredia, RHP, Grade B+: Borderline B. I've puzzled over the grade here and may go down to B. Held his own at age 17/18 in the New York-Penn League, which is very impressive. Physicality and arm strength stand out, but secondary pitches remain under construction, which shows up in poor strikeout ratio. However, the age factor mitigates that. The question is how much.

6) Barrett Barnes, OF, Grade B: Having seen a lot of him in college, I am a believer in his power/speed combination.

7) Josh Bell, OF, Grade B: Borderline B-: Another difficult grade. Lost almost the entire season to a knee injury, and was having serious strike zone problems before getting hurt. The puzzle here is that his plate discipline/approach/level of polish were supposed to be quite advanced for a high school player. The sample size in Low-A was very small, so is that enough to override the scouting reports?

8) Nick Kingham, RHP, Grade B-: Borderline B. Made impressive progress with his secondary pitches in A-ball. Finished the season very strong, perhaps presaging major breakout in 2013. Can be a mid-rotation starter, perhaps more.

9) Dilson Herrera, 2B, Grade B-: Colombian showed unusually good power for a rookie ball middle infielder.

10) Wyatt Mathisen, C, Grade B-: Somewhat raw, especially on defense, but has the tools to stick behind the plate and projects as a solid bat as well. Showed good plate discipline in rookie ball.

11) Clay Holmes, RHP, Grade B-: Borderline C+: Another big, hard-throwing right-hander with a live arm but low strikeout rate in short-season A due to secondary pitch isues. Can he follow in Kingham's footsteps?

12) Tyler Glasnow, RHP, Grade C+: Borderline B-. Another big right-hander, pitched well in rookie ball despite command issues. High ceiling, could shoot up the list in 2013.

13) Kyle McPherson, RHP, Grade C+: At this point it becomes a matter of taste and you can order the C+ guys in just about any way you want with good empirical and scouty support. Strike-throwing McPherson looked good in September, could be back-of-rotation starter or a long/middle reliever. I have him a little ahead of Morris and Black on this list because he is more versatile, but they have better stuff.

14) Bryan Morris, RHP, Grade C+: Gets grounders, gets strikeouts, ready for bullpen job in 2013. Might he get a shot at closing?

15) Victor Black, RHP, Grade C+: Excellent stuff, strong K/IP and H/IP ratios, but control problems are still an issue, at least if Arizona Fall League problems are any indicator. Has closer potential if the command comes around.

16) Justin Wilson, LHP, Grade C+: Power lefty that I've liked for awhile, held lefties to .129 average in Triple-A.

17) Phil Irwin, RHP, Grade C+: Doesn't have the pure stuff of the other guys, but he changes speeds, throws strikes, and has pitched very well in the upper minors. He could sneak up on us in 2013, getting to the majors ahead of more-heralded arms. Keep close track of him.

18) Jose Osuna, 1B, Grade C+: Could rank as high as 12 or 13 depending on what you're looking for. Some distance from the majors, and position premium works against him, but has considerable offensive potential.

19) Adrian Sampson, RHP, Grade C+: Solid power arm has some command issues, but secondary pitches are good and he racks up his share of strikeouts. Could rank much higher next year. Fifth round pick from Bellevue Community College this year.

20) Brock Holt, 2B, Grade C+: He's not really a .340 hitter, but I bet he can hit .270 with some doubles and enough skills to hold a job somewhere.

21) Jin-De Jhang, C, Grade C+: Rookie ball catcher from Taiwan is rough with blocking skills but has the tools to stick, as well as a promising bat.

22) Alex Dickerson, 1B, Grade C+. Solid hitter put up decent numbers in High-A and I think he can improve on it. Main issue is positional, will he have the power for first base?

OTHERS: Colten Brewer, RHP; Ramon Cabrera, C; Brandon Cumpton, RHP; Matt Curry, 1B; Zack Dodson, LHP; Elvis Escobar, OF; Tyler Gaffney, OF; Dan Gamache, 2B; Willy Garcia, OF; Max Moroff, 2B; Gift Ngoepe, SS: Robbie Rowland, RHP; Casey Sadler, RHP; Tony Sanchez, C; Jon Sandfort, RHP; Adalberto Santos, OF; Hunter Strickland, RHP; Zack Von Rosenberg, RHP; Duke Welker, RHP.

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