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히로, 곧 돌아온다

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by akira8190 2009. 8. 27. 10:16


사용자 삽입 이미지
Disabled pitcher Hiroki Kuroda, struck on the head by a line drive 11 days ago, passed another test Wednesday in his recovery from a concussion, throwing a full bullpen session, and he could face hitters for the first time this weekend.

Kuroda said the tentative plan is to throw a simulated game with Dodgers batters Saturday in Cincinnati and possibly a Minor League game next week. Kuroda, nailed above the right temple by a line drive off the bat of Rusty Ryal in Arizona, said he probably would throw from behind a screen the first time "for protection."

However, he said he is not overly worried about any lingering psychological effect he might have from the incident.

"In a game, I don't think anyone is going to hit my pitch, so I don't need a screen," he said. "Once a pitcher feels fear of hitters, that's probably the end of his career. Maybe somewhere in the back of your head there's a fear, but like I said, once you think that way, your career is probably over."

Kuroda said he was told by a mutual friend that former Dodgers pitcher Kazuhisa Ishii "was worried about me." Kuroda said he remembered Ishii being hit in a similar fashion. Ishii was nailed in the forehead by a line drive off the bat of Houston's Brian Hunter on Sept. 8, 2002, suffering a fractured skull that required surgery. He missed the remainder of the season.

Ishii continues to pitch in Japan.
아주 방가운 소식이군요. 구로다가 풀 불펜 섹션을 소화함으로써 이번 주말 신시네티에서 시뮬레이션 피칭을 할 수도 있다고 합니다. 그 시뮬레이션 피칭으 성공적으로 끝난다면 다음주부터 마이너 리헵을 시작할 것이라고 하는군요.

구로다의 마인드가 좋은게 타자를 상대할때 두려움을 느낀다면 은퇴해야한다고 말했군요.

구로다가 정상괘도로 돌아와서 선발진에 합류한다면 현 투수로스터에서 계륵과도 같은 맥도날드를 내리고 그때쯤이면 밍키가 준비되지 않을까 싶습니다. 그럼 로니도 긴장 타겠죠. 밍키가 수비만 할 수 있는 몸을 얼릉 만들었으면 좋겠습니다. 현재 지명타자로 타격은 가능합니다만 송구를 못한다고 하죠. 탈골때문에....


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