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존 앨리 스카우팅 리포터

LA Dodgers/Dodgers Prospects

by akira8190 2009. 12. 17. 00:16


과정이야 어찌되었건, 다저스가 오래간만에 팜을 채우는 딜을 했고, 다른 팀의 팜 선수이다보니 아는것이 많지 않습니다. 해서 약간 찾아봤는데, 일단 올려봅니다.

가장 최근 리포터가 아닐까 싶습니다. 팬그래프닷컴에서 지난 12월 1일에 발행한 글인데, 대충 번역합니다.

8. John Ely, RHP, Double-A
DOB: May 1986 Bats: R Throws: R
Signed: 2007 3rd round – University of Miami (Ohio)
MLB ETA: Late-2010 40-Man Roster: No Options: 3
Repertoire: 88-92 mph fastball, curveball, plus change-up

The opposite of Santeliz, Ely is a pitcher who utilizes solid command/control to help compensate for a below-average heater. The right-hander has the potential to be a solid back-of-the-rotation starter, although he’d be better off starting in the National League. In the AL, his future may be in the bullpen. Ely’s win-loss record was impressive in ‘09 at 14-2, but we know that says little-to-nothing about his value as a prospect. He did keep the hits down with 140 allowed in 156.1 innings, but his BABIP of .293 certainly helped. Ely’s walk rate hit a career high in ‘09 at double-A but it was just 2.88 BB/9. Unfortunately, his strikeout rate has diminished with each promotion in the minors and hit a career-low 7.20 K/9 this past season. After having some homer problems in ‘08 (1.11 HR/9), he solved those in ‘09 (0.52 HR/9) thanks to a +50% ground-ball rate. Ely struggled against left-handed hitters by posting a walk rate of 4.52 BB/9 and a .277 average (.341 BABIP). His average-allowed against right-handed batters was .215 (.257 BABIP) and his walk rate was just 1.55 BB/9.
Santeliz(Clevelan Santeliz, 팬하우스닷컴 기준 시삭스 팜 7위)와 달리 앨리는 솔리드한 커맨드와 컨트롤로 하위선발 포텐셜을 지니고 있다. 그는 NL에 더 어울리는 선발일 수 있겠지만, 어찌되었건 AL에서 그의 미래는 불펜이 될 수 있을 것이다. 앨리의 09시즌 승패는 14-2로 좋았지만, 유망주로써의 가치는 거의 없다고 봐도 무방 할 것이다. 올시즌 156.1이닝동안 140피안타를 맞았지만, BABIP가 .293일만큼 운이 좋았었다. 9이닝당 볼넷 허용률도 2.88이었지만, 9이닝당 삼진 비율도 승격하면 할수록 낮아져만 가 올시즌 커리어 최하인 7.2개를 기록(9.0->8.2->7.2)했다. 작년에 9이닝당 피홈런 문제(9이닝당 1.11개)가 있었지만, 올시즌 50%가 넘는 그라운드볼 비율로 인해 이 수치(9이닝당 0.52개)는 낮아졌다. 올해 좌타자에게 9이닝당 4.52개의 볼넷을 허용하고, .277(BABIP는 .341)의 피안타율을 기록했다. 반면, 우타자 상대로는 .215(BAIBP는 .257)의 피안타율과 9이닝당 1.55개의 볼넷만을 허용했다.

이건 올해 2월에 발행한 팬하우스닷컴의 내용입니다.

A+/A Prospects:
John Ely, 22, had a nice 2008 season even though his ERA was 4.71. He allowed just 142 hits in 145.1 innings and posted rates of 2.85 BB/9 and 8.30. His FIP was 4.02. Ely had a rough July when batters hit .354 against him and his FIP was 6.04. He turned things around in August, though, and held batters to a .206 average. Ely has a low-90s fastball, a plus change-up and a good breaking ball. He should begin 2009 in Double-A.
앨리의 ERA는 4.71에 이르렀지만, 비교적 좋은 시즌을 보냈다. 그는 145.1이닝동안 142피안타를 맞았고, 9이닝당 볼넷과 삼진은 2.85개와 8.3개였다. 그의 FIP(Fielding Independent Pitching)는 4.02였으며 7월에 피안타율이 .354와 FIP이 6.04에 이를만큼 좋지 못했지만, 8월에 반등하면서 피안타율(.206)이 낮아졌다. 앨리는 90마일 초반대의 페스트볼과 좋은 체인지업과 브레이킹볼을 지녔다. 그는 09시즌을 더블 A에서 시작할 것이다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Ely closer to White Sox dream

Homewood-Flossmoor product opening eyes in Sox system

He envisions the day he's standing on the pitcher's mound at U.S. Cellular Field, a White Sox uniform draped around his 6-foot-1, 190-pound frame, with a throng of buddies from his hometown of Homewood in attendance cheering him on.
앨리는 시삭스 저지를 입고 고향사람들의 응원속에 US 셀룰러 필드 마운드에 서는 상상을 하고 있다.

That's been the dream of John Ely ever since he picked up a baseball and became a die-hard White Sox fan as a kid.

That dream has never been closer to becoming reality than it is today.
야구를 선택한 이후 시삭스팬으로 자라온 그에게 그 꿈은 불변한 것이었다. 물론 지금 당장 현실에 가까워 진것은 아니지만...

Ely, a third-round draft pick by the Sox in 2007, is coming off a season in which he did more than turn heads.

He served notice that he's close to making the jump from minor league prospect to big-league pitcher.

The 2004 Homewood-Flossmoor graduate led the Double A Southern League in wins (14) and strikeouts (125) as a member of the Birmingham Barons, the White Sox's affiliate.
07년 시삭스 3라운드로 지명된 후 꾸준히 좋은 모습을 보여주었고, 올핸 서든리그 최다승과 삼진왕에 등극하기도 했다.

"I had a decent year," said Ely, 23, half serious. "I'm pretty happy with it. I've got to continue to perform and stay healthy."
아주 좋았던 한 해입니다. 꾸준히 좋은 모습과 건강을 유지하면서 꽤나 만족스러웠어요.

Ely credited the addition of a cut fastball to his arsenal, which includes a two-seam fastball that ranges between 89 and 92 mph, changeup and curveball, to his successful 2009 campaign.
앨리는 89-92마일에 이르는 페스트볼과 커브를 장착하였고, 체인지업의 향상으로 좋은 시즌을 만들었다.

That, as well as an improved physical and mental approach to each start.

"You have to work ahead and really focus on each pitch," said Ely, who lives at home with his proud parents during the offseason. "For me to be successful, I have to have a downward angle on my pitches. I'd go back and look at some tape and I could see that my delivery was different. I would tend to sit too much in my delivery and my pitches would flatten out.
1구 1구에 촛점을 맞추는 피칭을 하려했습니다. 낮게 공을 뿌린 것이 성공의 요인이었습니다. 피칭 후 나의 투구내용을 비디오로 보며 딜리버리의 차이를 관찰했습니다. 거기에서 저의 딜리버리를 안정되게 하려 했습니다.

"I have to give a lot of credit to my pitching coach last year, J.R. Purdue. He helped me so much. I felt like I got better after each start."
작년 투수코치였던 J.R. Purdue가 많은 도움을 줬어요. 그게 던질때마다 더 좋아지는 것을 느끼기도 했었죠.

"Oh, no, I wasn't frustrated at all about not being called up," said Ely, who starred at Miami (Ohio). "It was only my second full year in the minor leagues. There's going to be guys ahead of you in every organization. I was happy for each one of those guys. Deep down, you wish it was you. But you have to be ready. You don't want to get called up and not be successful. I have complete faith in the White Sox organization that they'll call me up when they think I'm ready."
(작년의 실패에) 좌절할 마음이 없었습니다. 올해가 단지 저의 두 번째 풀 시즌이었기 때문이죠. 제 앞에 선수들이 하나둘씩 콜업되었고, 제 차례가 되길 바랬습니다. 그렇지만, 좋은 성적없이 콜업되기를 바라진 않았습니다. 전 이 조직을 신뢰하고 있어요.

Ely is confident he's ready to make the jump to Triple-A Charlotte next season. If he can match or exceed this past season's numbers, he might be in line for a September call-up.
앨리는 내년에 샬럿에서 뛸 준비가 될만큼의 자신감이 있다. 그가 만약 올시즌의 성공을 이어가거나 그것을 뛰어 넘는다면 9월에 콜업될 후보군에 오를 것이다.

It doesn't concern him that the White Sox starting rotation appears set for at least a few years, with Jake Peavy, Mark Buehrle and Gavin Floyd locked into multiyear deals and John Danks years away from free agency. Ely might be forced to move to the bullpen to get a shot.
빅리그의 탄탄한 선발진때문에 그의 콜업이 늦어질 수도 있겠지만, 그건 앨리의 걱정거리가 아닐 것이다. 물론 그가 릴리프로 컨버전하는 것을 피할순 없을지도 모른다.

He'll remain patient and do whatever benefits the team.

What he doesn't want is to be traded.
그는 인내심을 갖고, 팀에 이득이 되는 것이면 무엇이든 할 자세가 되어있다. 그리고 그는 트레이드를 원하지도 않는다.

"I hope that doesn't happen," said Ely, a former Star Newspapers High School Player of the Year. "I'm in no rush to get to the big leagues. Of course, I'd like it to be the sooner, the better. You know, when it does happen, it's going to put a dent in my wallet. I think most of Homewood will be there. That would be something.
그런 일이 벌어지지 말았으면 해요. 전 빅리그로 성급하게 가길 원치않습니다. 물론 그게 빠르면 좋겠죠. .....

"Hopefully, one day I'll be living that dream."


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