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홈에서 43승, 원정에서 42승(85-58)

LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by akira8190 2009. 9. 13. 18:28


The Dodgers improved to 9-5 vs. the Giants this year, having outscored them 84-45.
오늘 승리로 다저스는 올시즌 맞대결에서 9승 5패를 기록하며 총 득점은 84 대 45가 되었습니다. 자이언츠는 다저스를 만나면 득점하는 방법을 잊어버리는가 봅니다. 게임당 3.2점이군요.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Padilla has made four starts with the Dodgers, posting an ERA of 2.02. A valuable addition, to say the least.

The LA bullpen was lights out, with just one baserunner allowed by Hong-Chih Kuo, Ronald Belisario, and James McDonald. They struck out four Giants.
파디야가 로또 그 이상의 역할을 해내고 있습니다. 그의 구입비용은 8만 6천달러인데, 다저스소속으로 4번등판해서 3승 2.01ERA(데일리뉴스에서 0.01높여서 써놨더군요)를 거뒀습니다.

뭐 불펜이야 여전히 솔리드하기에 패스합니다.

"It's fun being here," Padilla said. "I'm very happy. The boys welcomed me and it gives me more confidence. It's very simple: I just have to pitch."
파디야가 이 곳이 즐거운가 봅니다. 다저 선수단이 반겼는지, 아님 자신의 현 위치(올시즌 후 FA)때문인지...그런건 모르겠지만, 현재론 다저스 소속으로 잘한다는거....그것은 확실한거 같습니다.

The Giants have lost four straight for the first time since May 13-16.
5월 이후 처음으로 4연패를 SF가 당했는데 다음 시리즈에서 총력전을 펼치는게 어떨까 싶네요.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Russell Martin homered for the fifth time this season after hitting 10-plus home runs in each of his first three seasons.
시즌 중반만 하더라도 5HR은 치겠는가 하는 생각이 있었는데, 기여코(?) 두 자릿수 홈런을 때려내는군요. 마틴의 시즌 타율이 .258지만 여전히 BABIP는 .301이며 자신의 최고 시즌이었던 07년도에 .317와는 고작 2할정도차이뿐이니 단순히 운이 나빴다는 표현이 정확한듯 싶네요.

내년에 가장 반등할 가능성이 높은 옐로우 칩(Yellow Chip)입니다.

Injured Los Angeles LHPs Clayton Kershaw and Randy Wolf both threw -- Kershaw off the mound and Wolf catch on flat ground. Kershaw was scratched earlier in the week for his scheduled start Sunday after bruising his right shoulder during pregame work last Sunday. Kershaw, 8-8 with a 2.89 ERA, ran into an auxiliary scoreboard in Dodger Stadium while shagging fly balls during batting practice. Wolf was to start Friday night vs. the Giants but has elbow irritation that required a cortisone shot.
약간의 부상이 있는 커쇼와 울프는 오늘 불펜피칭을 했는데, 커쇼는 마운드에서 했고, 울프는 평지에서 했다는군요.

Dodgers at a glance
2009 record: 85-58
2008 record: 84-78
NL West: Lead Rockies by 3, Giants by 8.5
NL best record: Lead Cardinals by 1
Projected matchup:
Phillies at Dodgers
Magic numbers
Playoffs: 12. Division: 17.

• THE DODGERS ARE one of just three teams in the Majors that has yet to lose more than four games in a row this season, joining the Brewers and Angels.
• CLOSER JONATHAN BROXTON is the only reliever in the NL who ranks in the top 50 in the league in strikeouts.
• THE DODGERS HAVE NOT lost a season series to the Giants since 2005 and own a 9-5 edge this year.
• THE TEAM IS THIRD in the NL with 42 road wins, has won four straight series and six of its last seven games away from L.A.
• L.A. OWNS AN MLB-best 2.67 ERA since Aug. 10.

흥미로운 기록이네요. 잠시 잊고 있는데, 다저스는 5연패를 당하지않은 3팀 중에 하나라는군요. 브락스턴은 이미 세 자릿수 삼진을 기록했기에 저 수치도 충분히 가능하다고 봅니다.

일단 다저스는 어떻하든지, 필리스와 대결할 가능성이 높습니다. 단지 홈이냐 원정이냐...그 차이겠죠. 작년 복수를 해줬으면 하네요.

이미 작년 승수를 넘은 다저스는 19경기가 남았고, 이제부터 편안한 매치업상대들(벅스 7경기, 네츠 3경기, SF 4경기, SD 2경기, 록스 3경기)이 기다리고 있어서 못해도 95승을 할거 같습니다. 역시 문제는 NL 플옵 1번시드를 받느냐 못받느냐 차이겠죠.

Randy Wolf reported continued improvement with his hyperextended left elbow on Saturday and said he was still a possibility to start on Tuesday night against the Pirates.

Wolf missed his scheduled start against the Giants on Friday night because of the injury, which occurred while he took batting practice on Sept. 2, and he received a cortisone injection on Tuesday. He last pitched on Sept. 5, when he went seven innings to beat the Padres.

Manager Joe Torre said if Wolf is unable to start on Tuesday night, he would slide Jeff Weaver or Charlie Haeger into the starting spot. Weaver hasn't pitched since throwing two innings on Sunday. Haeger hasn't pitched since throwing one inning on Sept. 2.

Weaver threw a bullpen session before Saturday night's game, unusual for a long reliever, but not unusual for someone who might start three days later. Weaver is 5-2 with a 1.93 ERA against the Pirates, most recently a four-hit shutout in 2007 for St. Louis.
울프가 일단은 다음 주 화요일 벅스 2차전에 내정되어있지만, 만약 또 건너뛴다면 헤거와 위버를 대신 쓸 수있다는군요. 위버는 지난주 일요일 이후, 헤거는 9월 2일 이후 등판하지 않았습니다. 위버가 오늘 경기전에 불펜섹션을 했다는군요. 일반적인 릴리프는 이런걸 하지않는데, 아무래도 벅스와의 상대전적도 좋고 하니 그를 예초에 염두해두고 불펜섹션을 실시한 모양입니다. 헤거는 아무래도 던진지도 오래되어서 경기감각도 없을거 같구요...

Meanwhile, Clayton Kershaw stepped up workouts in his recovery from a separated (the club calls it a bruise) right (non-throwing) shoulder.

Kershaw threw off a mound on Saturday at AT&T Park for the first time since suffering the injury.

"It felt a lot better today," said Kershaw. "I threw about 70 percent. When I tried to put more effort and tried to throw harder, it was a little uncomfortable, I still felt it. But it's better than yesterday."

The lefty Kershaw said the harder he tries to throw, the faster he moves his right arm and the more he feels it in the injured area. In Kershaw's delivery, he raises his right elbow in front of his face before delivering the pitch. He also worked out of the stretch, in which he has an exaggerated upward reach before coming set.

"I can deal with discomfort," he said. "I don't want to have pain. I might have some tightness lifting my arm over my head when I come back. As long as it's not sharp pain, I'm OK with that. I'm getting closer."

Kershaw hasn't started since pitching well in a 2-0 loss to San Diego on Sept. 4, and he suffered the injury two days later during batting practice, slamming into the Plexiglas shielding the scoreboard in the right-field fence at Dodger Stadium while shagging a fly ball.
커쇼도 오늘 불펜섹션을 했는데, 어제보다는 더 좋아졌답니다. 이런 너무 흔한 맨트...-.-;;

암튼 구속을 증가해서 던지면 여전히 땡긴다네요. 한 번 더 스킵할 수있다는 소리가 충분히 나올법했군요. 현재론 다저스가 선발이 부족한 상황이 아니니 풀 리커버리를 한 후 돌아왔으면 좋겠습니다.


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