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LA Dodgers/Dodgers News

by 알 수 없는 사용자 2012. 7. 27. 09:52



The Cubs offered to send Dempster to the Dodgers straight up for right-hander Allen Webster, but the Dodgers turned it down, writes Jon Heyman of CBSSports.com. People briefed on the talks say the Dodgers have thus far offered a couple of lesser prospects who may project as relievers instead. It now seems that the Dodgers are more interested in Matt Garza than Dempster.

아마도...아론 밀러 또는 크리스 위드로를 축으로한 마이너리거 두명을 제시한 것이 아닐까 생각을 합니다. 두명 다 제시 하지는 않았을것 같고.....

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