Unless the question is, "I'll take over-30, poor-hitting, mediocre-fielding backup infielders for $800,000, Alex!" From the
Twitter of Yahoo’s Tim Brown:
Dodgers met with agent for infielder Nick Green, exploring backup possibilities.
I hope that means they’re exploring possibilities for backup infielder, and not backup possibilities to not getting Nick Green, because I assume that would be some sort of amputee situation.
If you don't know much about Green, that’s because you shouldn't. This is a guy who is 31 and has played for five teams in parts of five seasons, almost entirely as a backup. In 2009, he was pressed into service as Boston's starting shortstop for nearly half the season thanks to a multitude of injuries, and responded with a pretty bad .236/.303/.366 line. That's not even a case of a guy being exposed due to too much playing time; that mirrors exactly his career line of .239/.307/.352. Even in over 3000 PA appearances in the minors, his OBP is just .324. “Getting on base” is clearly not Nick Green’s strength, no matter where he plays.
"But hey," you might say. "He's a shortstop, so if he really can't hit, he must be a whiz with the glove, right?" You’d say that, and you'd be wrong. For his entire career, he’s a whopping
0.6 fielding runs above average. That’s not horrible, but nor is it an asset.
So please, enlighten me. When you're trying to come up with backup infielders, paying Nick Green more than you'd have to pay Chin-Lung Hu to be 5 years older, a far inferior fielder, and a likely inferior batter (Hu at least has a .342 OBP in the minors, and at his age still has time to improve) makes sense in what way exactly?
다저스가 닉 그린의 에이전트와 접촉했다는 트위터소식에 대해 마이크소시아블로그에서 바로 반박기사를 올렸습니다.
간략하게 말한다면 닉 그린은 지난 5시즌동안 5개팀의 떠도는 그야말고 백업이었습니다. 하지만 올해 운좋게도 보스턴에서 절반을 스타딩 유격수로 활동하며 .236/.303/.366의 성적을 올렸습니다. 그리고 그의 빅리그 통산 성적은 .239/.307/.352입니다. 이 기록이 너무나도 적은 편차이기때문에 그의 마이너 성적을 보면 통산 3000타수 이상 활약하며 OBP가 겨우 .324라고 합니다.
누군가가 "백업유격수에게 뭘바래? 그는 단지 글러브질만 어느정도 잘하면 되는거 아니겠어" 라고 반문한다면 그의 필딩 런은 고작 0.6으로 겨우 평균입니다. 이건 끔찍하진 않지만 그렇다고 강점이 될 순 없다고 하네요.
그에 반해 후친렁은 닉 그린에 비해 5살이나 어리고 후친렁의 통산 마이너 OBP는 .342라고 합니다. 그리고 아직까지 개선될 가능성이 충분할 나이라고 하는군요. 50~80만 달러를 소비하며 백업내야수를 데려올바에는 차라리 원래 줘야하는 후친렁의 40만불이 훨씬(?) 경제적이고 기회비용을 높이는 결과가 되지 않을까 한다는 군요.
이건 누가 봐도 당연한 소리가 아닌가 싶네요.